Communication & Promotion Campaign (Template)

This is a template - when you organise an event for which you wish to get outreach & engagement help, create a new topic and copy paste the contents below into it. Then ping me so we know you need help.

Take note: Edgeryders only helps to do some coordination so outreach and engagement campaigns work well. If you organise an event that you wish to have our support to promote, it is up to you to provide either people or resources to fulfill the rolls listed below. You can use these descriptions to reach out and communicate with those you want to collaborate with.

Process: We have 2 weeks to go through this cycle for every event. It ought to be completed minimum 6 weeks before the date of the event.

Key roles that you will need for any event; Organiser/Co-Host, Community Journalist, Copywriter (when available, otherwise it’s the organiser), Community manager, Social Media Manager, Marketer

  1. Host/Initiator: Sets up event description (topic, speakers/participants wishlist, Goals of event, format) & posts link to it below.

  2. Copywriter: Produces list of content detailed below & Copy-pastes everything in a comment below

  3. Community manager:

    • Sets up registration form (technically) and shares link to it with organiser/coordinator, copywriter and social media manager?
    • Compiles lists of relevant content from the edgeryders platform archive & posts it below
    • Produces new posts republishing the older content but with call to action inviting people to the event (attributing it to older author, but opening new discussion thread)
    • Pinging the author to let them know we are revising what they shared, and inviting them to join in the new discussion if they want)
    • Reach out to the ER community to get recommendations for any organisations or communities outside of the network that they think might be suitable for us to feature as real-world examples relevant to the topics of the event at hand, and maybe even encourage themto involved.
    • Copy-pastes everything in a comment below
  4. Community Journalist:

    • Contacts the “wishlist of speakers” and community membersand conducts a recorded interview with them on the topics of the event.
    • Contacts people who are featured in posts from the edgeryders archive and does “light” interviews with them for a series of ‘what happened next’ / ‘where are they now’ articles or posts related to some of the stories in the archive.
    • Does external research for already existing/published materials on different types of organisations have sought to deal with the issues or topics relevant to the event in question. E.G for resilience it would be different types of crisis, such as housing, employment, mental health, refugee, inequality, poverty or environmental crises.
    • Adds link to the interview material/article in a comment below.
  5. Social Media Manager:

    • Researches and produces list of people to contact about the event (Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook)
    • Sets up event pages on different platforms (Eventbrite, Meetup, FB, +++)
    • Sets up schedule of ER posts promoting/amplifying posts from each person on the list
    • Sets up schedule of ER posts promoting the content put together by community managers, and the content from the copywriter - adding in cc people from the lists.
    • Copy-pastes everything in a comment below
  6. Marketer: sets up the marketing campaign funnel (& gives the others instructions for what to do where needed):

Texts for Copywriters/Organisers to produce

Landing Page: See template.

5x Status updates for Twitter (calls to action):

  1. Come to the event (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  2. Come to a specific session(with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  3. Propose a speaker (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  4. Partner with us (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  5. Fund us (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)

5 x Social Media Flyers ( 2 x event announcement, 3 x calls to action)

  1. Come to the event (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  2. Come to a specific session(with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  3. Propose a speaker (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  4. Partner with us (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)
  5. Fund us (with hashtag/keyword suggestions)

Communication materials for soliciting support from potential partners and funders

  • Text for the Header/ Banner for social media accounts
  • C​old call​ texts for twitter message package ( * 1 tweet opener, 1 follow up Tweet, 1 follow up DM )
  • 2 x ​Cold call​ text for Linkedin message package: (1 opener, 1 follow up - max 1 short paragraph each)
  • text for 1- 2 page summary of the program to be published as PDF for attachment
  • Engaging Prompt to book a meeting with us to discuss working together
  • Email to friends and allies to ask for their help by doing one or more of the following :
    • Join us at the event because we feel they could add value to the event
    • Partner their organisation with us (means contributing visibility and or funding)
    • Send an introductory email to connect us with people they know at organisations that might contribute financially

Long-form editorial texts (2 x 1,000 to 1,500 words) for the blog

  • Invitation text for general audience ( 2 x editorialised post of approx. 1 A4 length + 2 x A5 summary texts)

Hi, drawing your attention to the above the above as this is relevant to know ahead of any events tied to formal Edgeryders projects for which outreach & engagement support is required. This includes e.g the online summits happening later this year, events nested within other larger events or your own project-related events that you would like help promoting. If you have any questions about this please send them to me in a private message.

@mariaeuler @estragon @andreja @noemi @johncoate @marina @rowenahen @alberto @hires @Heshanij @Richard @Jan @Hugi @stefanoboski