Community Calendar

I met with Michael Dobbie today and we were chatting about EdgeRyders, unMonastery et al. We came up with an interesting idea for the platform - a community calendar of events. Its been tricky to maintain regular EdgeRyders meetups and there’s a big gap between LOTE’s but face to face is really important.

EdgeRyders are involved in tons of projects and events throughout Europe, it seems to me that it would benefit the community infinitely if people were more casually meeting up in different cities.

So, would it be possible to create a calendar that anyone can add events to that are happening in their city that they may or may not be involved in, with functionality to feed it out to what ever calendar you’re already using and vice versa. Potentially also hosting it as a mini site for events that a larger public could use too.

If any one can take this to task, I’d be happy to lend a hand with a bit of CSS, formating etc. I came across this:

Which looks like it could do the job. Thoughts?

Calendar and Commons Events?

Do I understand well that this module is able to take our existing, in use Commons Event content type and just edit and display it in a better way?

Want to give it a try?

Auli, what makes you think that these two modules could integrate? I frankly don’t know … . If you want to give it a try on the staging site, you’re very welcome to do so (and I should give you SSH access then of course).

Ben’s and Michael’s proposal is pretty much the same that Nadia likes to see for calendars, incl. export to other calendars via iCal. So there seems to be real demand for this kind of thing :slight_smile:

So far, we have the Commons Events node type, incl. RSVP management, an events overview page, and a RSS feed for upcoming events. For developing calendar things in Drupal, incl. the grid view as seen on event_calendar, there’s an inspiring calendar tutorial by Acquia, the company who also creates the Drupal Commons distro that we use. But it seems they developed Commons Events after this, so it won’t exactly fit. (That was all I know about calendars now.)