Dear Edgeryders, as every week we shall discuss the matters that are most important in the community at the moment - most of the effort goes now towards the organisation of LOTE4 and the Hackathon, big annual gathering and a (un)conference here in Matera, where me, @Katalin, @Bembo Davies and @NicoBis (among others) work hard on making things possible and good.
We see each other at 11AM (CET) on Thursday. Please think what are the things you need to discuss, especially if related to the LOTE4. I am here to solve, provide, improve and make work anything indeed.
@Natalia_Skoczylas you’ve sent another invitation to a different google hangout via email, perhaps better to decide which hangout event we’re using and make sure the link above is correct?
For the first time I could attend the community call. I would like to, if there is anything on the Agenda I can contribute to like the matter of food or sth. to do with the last tasks around preparing the unMo building.
@Anna Peregrina, definitelly join us, the food has been discussed but you can get updated and contribute to it, it is still a thing that will have to get done;) Looking forward to meeting you online
Got blocked at 11:35. Before, the pic vanished. Maybe my fault. It was the first time for me with that media…
What I wanted to add: Since I am in Matera on 23. early (arriving late night on 22.) I volunteer for Shopping and preparing dinner. Would Need some strong Person(s) for help, because of shoulder Problem.