Community Calls Wiki: Notes from previous calls

This is a wiki where we summarise community calls. Ideally we break down the things we want to do into specific tasks and allocate them to the people who said they were interested in working on them. This way everyone know what is happening that they can get involved in, and who to get in touch if you want to join in.

Wednesday 18/2/2015

Who participated

Mireia ( check spelling!) + Alberto: Makea tu vida. DIY. Furniture solutions, processes, training and workshops, exhibitions, talks. Open design, waste related to habitat (spaces).

Sharon: OSCE days core team. Trained as product designer. Then academic in sustainable desing. Worked in policy. Now independent. Global sustainability jam. Similar concept. 40 cities, and 70 participants in london.

Tim: community developer for future of waste. Community links together innovators in the waste sector. Organise creativity workshops.

Xavier: Biologist. Founded first le Biome, 1st biomimicry Fab Lab in France. Open science by citizens. 70 people/ day in france.

Sam: Film Maker, mainly about open source hardware, data. Uses open source software. Open Sour. Building network and open source side of things in OSCE Days. This beautiful video for Edgeryders? Sam made it.

Lars: Artist. Works on Economy. Transparency, open source and circular economy. Dove into open source, started OpenIt with Sam.

What we discussed

1. Vision of OCSE Days: we want to have a global distributed global hackathon on topic of open source circular economy. Not conference style. Find groups, prototype, discuss and build new things. Lots of local events working on local challenges. All over the world and connect them. Main events in London, Berlin, Paris and smaller satellite events. Local events will depend on local organisers, and what networks they have access to. Can be artists. Research institutions and engineers from big waste companies. Eg Theatre Group in Katrineholm, Sweden - Researching hardware and talking to industry players.

2. What are we aiming to achieve

Tim: that we really produce concrete things, prototypes of new solutions. My daily job is to do three hour workshops, brainstormings…we never have time to apply them. So at the end of those days I want to have something done

Lars: Build ongoing organanisation to build circular economy. Build alliances . Really engage people to learn from what others are doing…maybe even standardisation. Most importantly set subject to open source circular economy, get in in companies and institutes to come in. Right now we have have problem of waste , shared problem. Open source can be part of shared solution.

Sam: When peole think about circular economy, that open source should pop up as the obvious choice…that they are interdependent/linked. Cannot see circular economy working without high level of transparency and interoperability. Alot of the time people work in isolation, they get a little distance. Only once people in other projects start to use little bits of their solutions in other domains. get people

Sharon & Erica: have done alot of work on policy. For us it is understanding the policy landscape and what this area means in terms of government. In the UK the circular economy very dominated by big players. Open source offers opportunity to polarise the conversation and bring in smaller players.

3. How do we generate revenue to cover costs and be able to pay a coordination team during the event, and people to keep working on building the community after?

4. Documentation infrastructure and strategy

We agreed that a first step is to propose and agree on a documentation strategy. We want to collect data in formats that enable people to use it for different purpose. Some participants will want to play and set off creative chaos. Others need to be able to go through it in a more strucutured way, with the aim of analysing and synthesising findings into coherence (synthesis into policy docs) for example by running it through open ethnographer. So we need to have interoperatbility. So there are a few questions we need to answer:

a) What format do we need in order to be able to process documentation gathered using tools like  Open Ethnographer after the event?

b) how will we do the work of processing the documentations? do we produce a report? or something else?

c) What should our documentation template and instructions for all participants ?

The other question we need to ask ourselves is what kind of storytelling is  needed? We discussed the case study adventures as an example.

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