Consent Form Languages [Live]

   "title":"Please agree to the research consent terms.",
   "text":"<p>On this platform, we share 'cutting edge' knowledge around various topics. Before you can write your first post, we want to make sure you understand how to use this space.</p><p>Just answer these two questions until you get them right: you will never see this message again. If you have difficulties or questions or ideas to make these questions better, <a href=''>click here</a> to email us.</p>",
  "policy_link": {
    "text": "How we use your posts for research purposes",
    "url": ""
  "submit": "Let's go",
  "success": "Thank you for answering the consent questions correctly. Your answers have been saved and will be submitted with this form.",
         "title":"Question 1",
         "text":"This platform is used for research (<a href='' target='_blank'>learn more</a>). Researchers are encouraged to treat what we post into it as a window into societal, economic, technological, and political trends and transformations that affect all of us. As you participate in these discussion, you might reveal where you stand with respect to important societal, economic and political issues. Knowing this, which of the following best describes your position?",
            "I do not fear bad consequences when sharing with others my views and alignment on societal, economic, technological and political issues.",
            "I worry about the the risks involved in sharing my views and alignment online, where others (such as the government or my employer) could access them. But I will participate in the conversation on this platform under my real name.",
            "I worry about the risks involved in sharing my views and alignment online, where others (such as the government or my employer) could access them, and I don't know how to deal with that risk when posting on this platform.",
            "I worry about the the risks involved in sharing my views and alignment online, where others (such as the government or my employer) could access them. Therefore, I protect my identity to a degree I think is adequate, for example posting under a pseudonym, using a fake e-mail address, using a VPN etc."
         "answer": [1,4],
         "error":"<b>Please correct this answer and try again!</b> We want you to stay safe. If sharing information about your views and alignment is risky for you, you should consider not participating in public discussion. We would still like to hear from you. You could (1) participate under a pseudonym, or (2) register under a one-time email address to reduce the risks that the content you post will be linked to you. Or (3) you can <a href='' target='_blank'>contact our community managers</a> securely and anonymously to share your content."
         "title":"Question 2",
         "text":"This platform is only loosely moderated, to avoid harassment and exploitative behaviour, but to allow unconstrained conversation. Knowing this, would you:",
            "Share my credit card’s details at another participant’s request.",
            "Engage in a conversation about important issues in my country, and how it should be reflected by the government’s policies."
         "answer": [2],
         "error":"<b>Please correct this answer and try again!</b> This is a public forum meant for conversation on general issues, and it is not secure to share personal information on. You should not share personal information that you do not want out in the open on it, such as your credit card detail, with anyone (including researchers and community managers and under any circumstance)."

Hi @owen, here my suggestion for the German version. It’s a fairly literal translation, and as we’re using the tell form mostly as an event registration there might need to be a few more tweaks, but I think if we can get this onto the form rather than the English, we’ll already have made a big step.

Thank you for your help!

   "title":" Datenschutzeinwilligung fĂŒr die Forschung",
   "text":"<p>Auf dieser Plattform teilen wir topaktuelles Wissen zu verschiedenen Themen. Bevor Sie Ihren ersten Beitrag schreiben, möchten wir sicherstellen, dass Sie verstehen, wie Sie dieses Forum nutzen können.</p><p>Beantworten Sie einfach diese beiden Fragen, bis sie richtig sind: Sie werden diese Nachricht nie wieder sehen. Bei Schwierigkeiten oder Fragen, oder Ideen, wie diese Fragen verbessert werden können, <a href=''>klicken Sie hier</a>, um uns eine E-Mail zu schicken.</p>",
 "submit": "Antwort speichern",
  "success": "Vielen Dank fĂŒr die korrekte Beantwortung der Fragen. Ihre Antworten wurden gespeichert und werden mit diesem Formular ĂŒbermittelt.",
         "title":"Question 1",
         "text":"Diese Plattform wird fĂŒr die Forschung genutzt (<a href='' target='_blank'>erfahren Sie mehr</a>). Forscher werden ermutigt, das, was wir dort posten, als Fenster zu gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen, technologischen und politischen Trends und Transformationen zu betrachten, die uns alle betreffen. Wenn Sie sich an diesen Diskussionen beteiligen, könnten Sie Aussagen zu wichtigen gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Themen machen. Vor diesem Hintergrund, welche der folgenden Aussagen beschreibt Ihre Position am besten?",
            "Ich fĂŒrchte keine negativen Konsequenzen, wenn ich meine Ansichten und Einstellungen zu gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen, technologischen und politischen Themen mit anderen teile.",
            "Ich mache mir Sorgen ĂŒber die Risiken, die damit verbunden sind, meine Ansichten und Ausrichtungen online zu teilen, wo andere (z.B. die Regierung oder mein Arbeitgeber) darauf zugreifen könnten. Ich werde mich aber unter meinem Klarnamen an der Konversation auf dieser Plattform beteiligen.",
            "Ich mache mir Sorgen ĂŒber die Risiken, die damit verbunden sind, meine Ansichten und meine Ausrichtung online zu teilen, wo andere (z.B. die Regierung oder mein Arbeitgeber) darauf zugreifen könnten, und ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit diesem Risiko umgehen soll, wenn ich auf dieser Plattform poste.",
            "Ich mache mir Sorgen ĂŒber die Risiken, die damit verbunden sind, meine Ansichten und meine Ausrichtung online zu teilen, wo andere (z.B. die Regierung oder mein Arbeitgeber) darauf zugreifen könnten, und ich weiß nicht, wie ich mit diesem Risiko umgehen soll, wenn ich auf dieser Plattform poste."
         "error":"<b>Bitte korrigieren Sie diese Antwort und versuchen Sie es erneut!</b> Wir möchten, dass Sie sicher bleiben. Wenn das Teilen Ihrer Ansichten und Ihrer Ausrichtung fĂŒr Sie riskant ist, sollten Sie in ErwĂ€gung ziehen, nicht an der öffentlichen Diskussion teilzunehmen. Wir wĂŒrden trotzdem gerne von Ihnen hören. Sie könnten entweder (1) unter einem Pseudonym teilnehmen, oder (2) sich mittels einer Wegwerf-E-Mail-Adresse registrieren, um das Risiko zu verringern, dass die von Ihnen geposteten Inhalte mit Ihnen in Verbindung gebracht werden. Oder (3) Sie können unsere <a href='' target='_blank'>Community-Manager</a> sicher und anonym kontaktieren, um Ihre Meinung zu teilen."
         "title":"Question 2",
         "text":"Diese Plattform wird nur lose moderiert, um BelĂ€stigungen und ausbeuterisches Verhalten zu vermeiden, aber um eine ungezwungene Konversation zu ermöglichen. Vor diesem Hintergrund, wĂŒrden Sie:",
            "Die Details meiner Kreditkarte auf Anfrage eines anderen Teilnehmers teilen.",
            "Mich an einem GesprĂ€ch ĂŒber wichtige Themen in meinem Land beteiligen und wie sich dies in der Regierungspolitik widerspiegeln sollte."
         "error":"<b>Bitte korrigieren Sie diese Antwort und versuchen Sie es erneut!</b> Dies ist ein öffentliches Forum, das zur Konversation ĂŒber allgemeine Themen gedacht ist, und es ist nicht dafĂŒr gedacht, persönliche Informationen zu teilen. Sie sollten persönliche Informationen, die Sie nicht öffentlich machen möchten, wie z. B. Ihre Kreditkartendaten unter keinen UmstĂ€nden und mit niemandem teilen (einschließlich den Forschern und Community-Managern)."

Ok thanks @hires, I’m working on it.

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I know that you had reasons to structure the consent form the way it is, but any chance we could simplify it for the German Well-being community?
Could we just show them two texts they need to acknowledge two statements with a dropdown, like this.

// edit - moved form proposal here to avoid conflict.

I have no problem with it, technically - but this needs to be checked firsthand with people in charge of the consent policy and given the OK by them. We’ve had enough run ins in the past that I’m not going to take any chances deviating from the platform template unless it’s explicitly approved.

I support your request, it just needs to be verified first by the team.

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ok, thanks!

@amelia are you the right person to ask how to get an alternative consent form approved?

Hm, no, I am not the right person
 @nadia, @hugi @MariaEuler @alberto @matthias and others went through quite a process with these Tell Forms and the language. The funnel language itself is included in the grant proposal, I believe, because the ethics had to be cleared.

ER team— Who can ‘review’ ethics/consent forms/funnel language and approve them? Is it one of our advisors?

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Thanks @amelia, yeah, I figured that you had a bit of a process behind you on this.

I guess if any change will have to go through a process, we might as well consider the shorter one. If the rather direct translation is easier to pass through that process, then I’d go for speed in this case.

Did the Czech and Polish community never consider this an issue (particularly as this will basically lead to a bias that mostly people who understand English end up contributing)?

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To date our ethnography team has only been responsible for coding data once it came onto platform, so we’ve never used Tell Forms before. That’s a question for @noemi and @nadia :slight_smile:

It would be up to the research director in consultation with our ethics advisors cc @alberto

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The then Polish community manager who used the first implementation of the form did not remark on it afai have seen/know. The consent funnel process and language has been developed in consultation with our ethics advisors, its technical implementation has been overseen/deployed by @matthias and Alberto. They are best positioned to answer any questions about it.

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Research director says “nyet”. @hires, sorry but we need to learn to respect the consent mechanism, we have already had two major messes over two years. Consider this: it has to be a bit of an effort, otherwise it’s just box ticking.

Translation OK. Everything else is going to cost a lot of time. Go for speed.

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OK, understood - then we work with that! cc @Richard @Djan

Just to be clear: Is the translation as suggested above approved by you for use (I made a slight edit to improve the comprehensibility of the wording)?

Daniel, please do not go formal on this. This is not about having someone approve a slight edit. What needs to happen is that everyone takes responsibility for the process of consent acquisition to be valid, at the interfaces that she or he presides upon. This does not mean rubberstamping, but taking a hard look at it and asking “am I really doing all that I possibly can to make sure people understand and accept to participate in this research”? If you have done the translation with this spirit, it is OK. Improving clarity is a plus, in my book.

Alberto, perhaps my phrasing was unclear: I did not want to ask about the edits, but I was asking for confirmation that you indeed meant to say was that this translation was OK (and we can go ahead), and not just that the general principle of having regionally-adapted consent forms was OK.

I was just trying to follow the governance structure I encountered

Everyone I’ve spoken to about this issue has alluded to the fact that this consent form and its specific language has been at the center of various (difficult) discussions and consultations, even with ethics advisors - and thus it needs to be verified/approved by the team and research director. I was not part of this process, so I must assume I am ignorant to some of the considerations that went into this. I also assumed that everyone applied this kind of spirit, but still it created two messes and I certainly don’t want to create a third.

So, my takeway from your answer: Green light to use this for the German forms.

I cannot confirm this, for the simple reason that my German is not nearly good enough.

The translation is good if a native German speaker who cares about acquiring real informed consent to participating in research, such as yourself, believes that it is good.

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Proposal to add to the following option to the consent configuration:

research_info: {
“text”: “More information about our research”,
“url”: “Open and Data Driven”