CONSENT OR OBJECT - Team community life mandate

As mentioned elsewhere, team community life would like to get consent on adding some elements to our domain and mandate.

Beyond taking care of members and offering events for them to get to know each other, we would like to be taking care of the community as a whole, making sure it stays healthy and vibrant.
It could be done by fostering discussion on how we want to live together, or organising workshops (on deep democracy for instance, or group dynamics), etc…
And recently we also thought about taking responsibility for exit interview, in cooperation with team R and O (see this post). The rationale would be that these exit interviews would help us identify tensions and challenges we might be facing as a group, and help us grow our community in the healthiest way possible.

I already posted about this, sorry about the repetition but I didn’t make a clear process about how to go forward with this, so here it is! If there is no objection by next Wednesday, we will be going ahead with this :slight_smile:

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I agree with this as an addition to the Teams description document, but I object to explicitly adding the exit interviews to the mandate.

I’m all for identifying tensions and challenges, but I would like to direct the little energy that we have left inward, to dialogue and care for each other, rather than creating an extra task and investing time and energy in people who would have left anyway.

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Agree. Also interested in exit interviews, though people do not say what they do or do what they say (the mantra of anthropology).

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Ok, no pb, we don’t have to formalize it here