Hi @reeflings
Making this post as a member, who needs validation on how to deal with this issue I have on my mind
We have been saying for quite a while now that we would do exit interviews with the people who left the project. Originally, this was to be done by team conflict, because we thought it was important to get more of an understanding about what might have happened if people left over potential conflicts. We thought it was important to get insight into the places we got stuck so that we could work through them.
We first talked about this in 2023, but ended up not doing that, for obvious crazy-buzy reasons
I would quite like to revive that idea, because I really think it is important, especially in the current context of having trouble to consolidate and expand the group. It was also mentioned by some associate members who didn’t understand why we weren’t doing that.
I think the idea is to have any feedback that we could get, and do it in an open-ended way.
But I also see several points that would be interesting to enquire about:
- group dynamics. Did people feel ill at ease at times? Was their problems in the way we worked and interacted together? What do they think needs attention?
- building related questions. Did exploring members leave over building-related issues in general? Was apartment choice a problem? What is the minimal info that could help that? Were there things that could have made the uncertainty more comfortable to deal with (about common spaces for instance)?
- Recruitment and onboarding process. How did people feel through their onboarding? Did it have an impact on their decision to stay or not? What do they think they would have needed?
So this would be interesting for team conflict management, but I also think it to be very relevant for the other teams of the grouping “Team Community”, ie team community life (if we go through with my proposal- see my post) and team R&O.
My proposal would be that Team Community takes responsibility for making it happen, and then feeds back the relevant info to the group and other teams. Because the info is most relevant to team community life and team R and O, it would be best if people from these teams took the lead on this.
For now @ChrisM and I are happy to step in, but let us know if you would also be interested…
All feedback welcome. If there are no objections to this, say by Wednesday, we will implement this idea (it is a bit urgent re feedback on common spaces).
And if there are other points you would like to learn about, let us know!