Convention for feasibility studies

Hey @reef-building and @Lee! Lie kindly reminded me about the convention with the architects for the feasibility studies. The architects sent an amended version with an adaptation in the sentence about the “études supplementaires” a few weeks ago. If nobody has any more comments or worries, I guess Lie, as our representative, can sign the document and send it to the architects so that we can soon request our first feasibility study :slight_smile:

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It clarifies what was unprecise for me, I’m OK with it

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@Sophie_Beese, thanks for that. I’ll sign it and put it in the mail and ask them to send us a scan of the mutually signed copy.

Just for my comprehension: will we be expected to pay for every study when it has been carried out, or how does this work?

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That is a very good question, @Lee - do you want me to ask them?

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@Sophie_Beese, I’ll do it when I send them an email to confirm I put the thing in the mail. I’ll put you in cc.

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The convention says that the first 10 studies are part of their job with the new building. If we ask them more than 10 they will facture it by hour price.

The text is not fully clear on this. It says the cost of 10 studies will be deducted from later charges, but it is not clear whether we have to pay the studies now, and then get a rebate later, or whether we’ll have to pay 10 studies at once should it happen that we won’t continue to work with them.

@Sophie_Beese: I saved the signed copy in the “documents received from the architects” folder. Still no clarity about when we would have to pay, but my gut feeling says it won’t be study by study. We’ll soon find out anyway :slight_smile:

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