Coordination Group 2024

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the meeting either, and since Chris and I are currently the only members of Team Facilitation, our team won’t have representation this time. That said, there isn’t anything new to report from our side, as our last meeting took place before the most recent Coordination Group meeting.
We are planning to organize a Team Facilitation meeting in the near future to discuss and explore ways on how facilitation can help us navigate complex discussions more effectively. We will keep you posted :slight_smile:

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I can only be there until 8.20 roughly but hopefully that should be enough for the teams update :slight_smile:

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hi @reef-coordination , here the timeline Lee is referring to…

Here a small document what are the possibilities to view it (no ideal way i am affraid), to be found in the ‘avant projet timeline’ under the coordination folder


I tried to simplify it a little (for the sake of my mental overview). I saved it in the same folder: Coordination Group > Avant Projet timeline: Login – Nextcloud

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Do the colours of your frames have a specific meaning (green- blue - orange)?

There used to be some logic, but it got messed up. I would ignore it.

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