Create the 2015-02-21 newsletter

Your news and calls for collaboration

If you have news about your work you would like to share, add them in a comment below. We will include them in the next newsletter.

Activities you can get involved in

  1. Open Source Circular Economy Days: How do we generate revenue to support the work of building the event and the work that comes after? See some of the suggestions and contribute here.

2.unMonastery: Where are we going next? This is, from time to time, a big community discussion. The future of unMonastery in Matera or elsewhere, how to match funders’ interests with our own search for physical spaces, where in Europe can we set up new labs for experimentation? All this is important enough to engage all of us who believe in community ownership. It’s happening now, so do join in.

3. Moving Europe towards distributed architectures: Want to get involved in building a strong research program to promote investment in distributed architectures in Europe? Read on.

Suggested reading for Edgeryders

Follow the adventures of unMonasterians Elf and Marco in Matera as they work on the next iteration of mapping the city’s public transport lines here.

Learn how Edgeryders and UNDP’s collaboration resulted in special provisions for social innovators and entrepreneurs in the strategy of the government of Belarus here.

Get a deep dive into the culture and modern political history of Ethiopia as seen through Nadia’s eyes while she travels to visit family

James suggests that timebanks and other attempts at building economic resilience of local communities at do not work unless they are backed by ownership of physical assets. Do you agree? Discussion the comment section here.

Las Indias’s piece on communities making a sell raises deep questions about the private logic: [] our “conscience” and the “private logic” will join forces to tell us “we are not good at it”, and that this “it” – selling – is very close to deceiving. But this is false.

Inventaire first release

Hi there! long time no see :slight_smile:

For the last year, I’ve been busy developping, a libre collaborative resource mapper powered by open-knowledge. It’s very much linked the kind of things I kept coming  out with at our different Edgeryders meetings back then in Strasbourg and Brussels, so some might enjoy the follow-up :slight_smile:

See you!


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Do you remember specific conversations we can link it to?

Hi Max, I think the last time I saw you was at Ouisharefest, no? Hope you are well and congratulations on inventaire. Looks interesting, kind of like readmill but opensource…right?

Ok 2 things: 1) do you remember a conversation or theme that this was tied to? What were we talking about? I think it was tied to Matt’s Earth OS thread, about mapping all free and available resources. Is this correct? If I know it helps contextualise the news in something of broader relevance.

  1. Have you seen It’s an installation of Booktype, a software for collaborative book production. I don’t know if it is of any use but I thought you might be interested.

hey Nadia! yep, that was at the OuiShareFest I think :slight_smile:

Yes! Inventaire is libre software with a AGPL3 license and is published on github

From what I can remember of LOTE 1 and 2, I remember Matt’s Earth OS, but also discussions led by Dante, Hélène and Nicolas on semantic web and the Netention project, Pavlik’s works on mapping offers and wishes, and also my personal stand on rethinking the possibility of an ethical marketing, a less toxic way to publish information on resources, following the paper I was writing at the same time.

More generally, you can find more context in the articles I wrote on P2P resources management or the one I wrote lately on how I came to develop this project, or just ask me for any other point that might need clarification :slight_smile:



Suggested Reading: Welcome to retirement

Jeff’s written a new post in the series. let’s include it in this week’s newsletter.