Creating Job descriptions for roles that need to be filled for LOTE & blogpost & newsletter

NEWSLETTER: this is the unMonastery, this is the conent, do you want to contribute to it? Write Job descriptions for the roles for \#lote looking for people & call for participation: we need 6 facilitators on hand to facilitat session.
Questions and content looking for sessions?
Sessions looking for facilitators: what if you want to take opportunity to learn to facilitate?
Facilitators looking for sessions?

First draft

I published a wiki as a working doc : /t/making-lote3/360/lote3-new-roles-looking-for-bloggers-facilitators-documenters

I’m sure to be missing stuff, plus it may need a creative eye, so [Nadia] [Ben] [Alberto] have a look and add/edit before we go out with it?