Culturesquad forum post #2

Another forum post #2

These are featured posts from the forum. Could be displayed in a similar way as our blog feed.

Longeque tauri iter profundi genitis magico acumine relatu metuendus sinamus fecit mea novique dare? Nomen bis Alba pollice in et bis nova lapis umida tacto: laquei venatibus et magnae mediis ducat. Membra patres. Nec quoque conlegit cecidisse, bimembres, ventis, nos auctor Deoida, aere quas? Hanc satis novae lunaribus vagantes; palmis levare bis cumque esse sororis niteant in abest Achelous; et, nix.

Est atque manus Capherea, in anum macies caput iterque, extenuatur. Dicentem Laiades gravis totidem, barbara ferarum imumque. Colle iter vipereas hos malis huic conde dixit monte, mortales tua plus clipeus, ramos. Primusque sonarent lunaria ad tangit pollice Rhodopeius: exclamat et fuerit petis remansit dolor tempora murra. Pandrosos sacra ne demens secum aret muneris est ergo tectus!

Curru abluere et soceri convulsaque exigui veluti quid bella deam lacertis omnia, marem. Fateri cupiens isdem, documenta vultusque in geminat oppida nox facta tantum premebam mactati crimen, Neleius tu ratione! Ignaram fictis beatior mandere lingua turribus infera proceres. Voto nec, cruentis. Duro optima cacumine leves.

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Google Translate helps: “[] … The name of the stone was wet from the new, and twice he’s gone, right thumb in the White House twice: and the snares of the middle of the lead, and have great time in the chase. …[]”

Translating lorem ipsum is a pretty sisyphean task. :wink:
These are placeholder posts that we are using for development of a new project website. Nothing to see here yet.

Yes, as a software developer I know Lorem Ipsum, but as the text starts with “Longeque” I wanted to check wheather it was something more meaningful. :slight_smile: