This is a draft version of the Cybercommunism session
André @andrestaltz - Brazilian living in Finland
Kristian - Swedish software developer
Kai - cybercommunism interest
Ingrid - cybercommunism interest
Erik - computer science
Graham - from New Zealand
Hanna-My - Malmö, local activist
Jules - travelling with Graham
Tradional/physical communism vs. capitalism
Traditional communism
- centralised
- distributed wealth
- forced sharing?
Traditional capitalism
- de-centralised (in the inherent mechanism)
- private ownership
- stacking wealth
The cost of data is marginally small
- all data decentralised
- examples: open data, open source, memes, illegal stuff
Cybercapitalism/surveillance capitalism
- accumulated data
- centralised
- examples: large-scale tech companies
- examples: Wikipedia, YouTube (content is created by everyone)
Difference between traditional and cyber is that the cost of “value” (=data) is marginal in the cyber realm
- the natural state of data is within cybercommunism
- we are stuck in the polarized, simplified understanding of capitalism/communism (e.g. markets are not intrinsic to capitalism only)
- imprisoning data is hard and expensive, but possible
- decentralised protocols: the web/Scuttlebutt started as being decentralised and move towards being fully decentralised
Civilization stacks
The more layers, the easier it is to build new layers on top - currently spear-headed by Silicon Valley such as seen in trans-humanism