D1.1 Hackathon documentation due 09/2016


UBx needs to upload this deliverable by the end of Sept. I wanted to double check with you what should go into this report. I understand it relates to Task 1.1 “multidisciplinary hackathons” – the one we had at LOTE5, maybe counting in the closed session we had in Stockholm?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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Exactly. And yes, I would def include the session we had in Stockholm - @Noemi , you were documenting that, right?

See notes in google folder

here. If there are things missing and you need me to edit further let me know, although you probably are better with the language.

Delivelable D1.1 document

This is intended more for @markomanka (WP leader) and @Alberto (involved partner). Also pinging @LuceChiodelliUB so she can grab the document and ultimately submit it on the EC portal.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BxnwAmGNB9t9SXlxS2o0VUJCS1U (both in MSWord and pdf format)

I understand it would have been far better if I had made this available for review much earlier (the document is due 09/30/2016), please accept my apologies. I thought you might want to have a look at it before it is submitted anyway.

Looks good

(I read it very quickly).

I think we are missing half a phrase in the conclusions. What we have is:

Although this deliverable was planned to be due at month T0+9, we clearly intend to hold SSNA workshops (most probably as Masters of Networks editions) and make them open to a wide audience.

What I think you mean is:

Although this deliverable was planned to be due at month T0+9, we clearly intend to continue holding SSNA workshops (most probably as Masters of Networks editions) as the project progresses, and to making them open to a wide audience.

Thanks …

… for your careful proofreading. I followed your suggestion (you read my mind …) and changed the last sentence.

@LuceChiodelliUB I guess you can submit the doc if no one else comments on it (depending on the time you need to indeed submit and on your schedule)


Deliverable 1.1 successfully submitted this morning !

thank you for your contribution :slight_smile:

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