Data management plan

This is the wiki for the POPREBEL data management plan, (D2.3, due at month 6). @matthias and I will be working on it. Watch this space for updates.

0. What are data for?

add a quote from the GA

1. Semantic Social Network Analysis

  • Open online conversations encode collective intelligence
  • We represent them as networks of social interactions that carry meaning (semantics)
  • Collective intelligence is interactional, not additive.
  • Interactions encode meaning. Collective intelligence is used for sensemaking and scenario exploration, not computation.
  • Interaction happens on digital platforms and is represented as a multilayer graph.

The template given by the coordinator is here.

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Actually, the UCL template is not bad. @matthias, how about we use that instead? Of course, a lot of the info is still found in the OpenCare data management strategy.

Sure, if there’s a template by the coordinator, let’s use it.

The template is not accessible without logging in to G-Drive. Maybe paste it here (after amendments if need be)?

Too much structure for copy paste. I shared the template with you, @markomanka; a draft will probably be ready in a week or so.

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