Deliverable 1.2 due this month (December)

pinging @markomanka@Alberto and @Costantino (and @LuceChiodelliUB)

Although UBx is formally the lead beneficiary, others may be concerned by this Deliverable 1.2 « Hackathon material, workshop venue and workshop post proceedings ».

I am unsure what workshops should this deliverable cover – I don’t remember writing this D1.2 myself :slight_smile:

As far as the hackathon are concerned, this D1.2 will mimic deliverable D1.1 (and one could ask why D1.1 and D1.2 come so close in time wrt reporting on the hackathons).

  • Is it the place where to report on the various sessions conducted by Wemake, and mention their (great) work reporting on their activities (such as for instance).
  • Is this the place where to report on worksops held by SCIMPULSE ?

My guess is, as far as SCIMPULSE is concerned, D1.2 overlaps with D1.5 – @markomanka can you confirm? As for WeMake, I do not see any deliverable of this sort as part of WP3, so it would make sense to report on this here.

Im’ looking forward to your replies

I think it’s MoNs

Guy, I think this refers to:

  • MoN4 in Brussels
  • HHBordeaux
  • MoN5 in Milan

Notice that it is not a report, it’s a website. It is an output of Task 1.1:

This task aims at engaging all partners to develop a common, multi-disciplinary vision of the community’s activity. We use social network analysis of the OpenCare online conversation as our main monitoring tool; and enrich the network data with domain expertise about care, policy, design and the inner workings of online communities. In doing so, we get deeply acquainted with how the various areas of expertise we bring to the table can integrate and help each other. We do this through multidisciplinary hackathons, open to the public and carefully prepared ahead of time.

The best would be to put someone to reorganize our GitHub repos as mini-websites. Now that WeMake have built these microwebsites template, the best would be to fork them and add info from the work done on those three events. Actually the microwebsites repo (GitHub - opencarecc/MicroWebsiteTemplate: This is the template for opencarecc websites) seems empty, but we saw them in Milan, so maybe someone in WeMake needs to make a commit.

Ok then

Will look into the mini-website stuff. I’ll write the report accordingly and we’ll put them up asap.

Don’t worry, I won’t write reports with dozens of pages, I see them more as a hub of pointers where to find the relevant resources. (I like to call them accompanying document to deliverable such and such).

Thanks for your help.

Review before we submit

I guess this is mainly for @Alberto although anyone is invited to read, review and feed back.

The “companion document” to deliverable 1.2 is  here. (look for D1.2_Hackathon_material_workshop_proceedings.docx).

I’ll then turn it into a pdf and ok @LuceChiodelliUB for submission.

Will do tomorrow

BTW, @LuceChiodelliUB : I want to have a second pass on the reporting, in the light of the consortium meeting. Do not submit anything without checking with me, please!

Copying on EMDesk is not submitting

@Alberto: I have copied / pasted some parts of the drafts on EMDesk to test several functionalities for report edition - it doesn’t mean that it is “submitted” for good. It is possible to delete the text, copy/paste a new one on the top of it, until I or Guy decide to block the text blocks for good. And I was expecting us to schedule a date to review all the content together before offical submission on the EC platform Sygma.