At first, it was just an idea : a democratic debate platform where you link arguments with sources.
It took me four months to confront this idea to others, make searches, modelise it and a month to develop it with Drupal, an open source CMS.
The name has been chosen somehow by default while my brother and I were looking for a hostname. Démopolitique seemed to be only used as a contraction of demographic politics, demopolitique.anything was available so we chose it, and it really made sense.
Demos from ancient greek : the people and Politics in the sense of affairs of the city, as it was modeled by Aristote.
And it’s exactly about that : a place to let the people discuss about the affairs of the city.
The main idea was to create a sane environment to debate, to create conditions and formulate its principles to allow a constructive debate.
I made a lot of searches in order to design it, especially about crowdsourcing and crowdsolving. It lead me to the idea to instumentalise dialectic by using modern communication tools.
When people meet physically to discuss important matters, there are a lot of parameters that can alter, make difficult or impossible a dialectic process. In virtual environments such as forums, there are others parameters that can lead to pointless discussions that lead nowhere.
Démopolitique is thought to get rid of these parameters, or to use them.
Some parameters that can alter a dialectic process are pointed in this discussion (in french).
We have used this tool with some friends to discuss matters such as capitalism and as you can see, there are a lot of informations in this discussion. Each of us found informations and shared it, we thought about it, and later, each of us formulated his thoughts about capitalism. The result just went beyond my craziest expectations. We now all know how money is created, the economics absurdity that rule the world, and each one of us shared his sight of the problem and pointed specific parameters that, if altered, could change things.
During the process of this discussion, we have learned, searched, thought, wrote and shared our sights and it made us more aware of theses problems.
We have also tried to get relevant information to start debates on knowledge and searches, not opinions or ideas.
Another exemple could be this essay about a psychological mechanism : la dilution de la responsabilité.
I’ve tried to do my best to find good references to enhance the quality of the reasonment, and the answers to this essay have just improved this reasonment by opening it to domains i wouldn’t have thought otherwise.
Actually démopolitique is in beta stage. I’ve developped it with the precious help and advices of my brothers and friends, but I can’t continue to develop it on my own. I’m not a technical guy, i’m a writer, and i’m much better with words and concepts than with codes.
There are a lot of tools already designed that just wait human help or funding.
To be honest it’s a tricky and complicated thing, and i have some difficulties to find people to discuss about the most important : démopolitique in its principles and its core, but also its tools.
It’s a democratic place, so everything can be discussed and modified to adapt quickly to reality.
For exemple, at the first release, there was a voting tool. We discussed about it, and a friend got a good argument that convinced us to remove it.
It was just about dialectic : we had different opinions, he got the better arguments and reasoning, we accepted it and adapted the tool to match better with reality.
I’ve worked more than six months on this platform, night and day. At some point i even forgot myself and got physically and mentally exhausted.
I went forward thanks to my bros and friends, and because i knew it could work. And it did.
It’s a tool for people made by people.
I don’t wanna earn money from my past work or anything, I just need some funds to get a development team, because some aspects are real technical challenges as a lot of tools i’ve designed simply don’t exist.