Developing the game design: Results of closed test session 1

Some additional thoughts:

  • the visual summary you @mrchrisadams made I think is relevant to basically anyone and everyone engaging in knowledge work and not just service design practice…
  • re digital angle: In the descriptions of the distrikts, each had details about the digital communication setup - including its historical development. In the discussions about effective response to crises, questions were asked about different aspects of the distrikt- but few went into digital technologies. For a group that skews tech-sector, this strikes me as interesting. I interpret this either as meaning that it is not as central as we might believe or that there is an assumtion that in witness digital tech functions much as it does in contemporary real life society.

Hi @nadia ! I didn’t actually change the PDFs when printing - I set the printer to print 4 “PDF pages” per physical page with adobe acrobat using its page layout options, in a print shop on their machine.

So there was no real PDF changes made for that. I think I split the PDFs into smaller groups of cards when making the spread out version on Miro. But that was only because Miro got annoyed if I tried uploading the larger PDF sets of cards to manipulate there.

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I think this is fair - imagining in an entirely new Distrikt economic system is already pretty overwhelming, and that’s before the onslaught of events come into play,

Once you’re into the game, if there is no direct prompt to think about the role technology might play with each policy card (apart from obvious ones like socialist cryptocurrency), it’s easy to skip thinking how a given regulatory regime might have an affect.

It’s almost as if in the game, there’s a finite “imagination budget” and spending too much in one area makes it difficult to incorporate all the other worldbuilding work into a coherent idea of a society.

I don’t think I have any good suggestions here - if you foregrounded the role of communicating to your Distrikt population what your new policy actually mean for their lives you might be able to bring emphasis back to role tech might have in delivery of policy goals, but I think:

  • a) that in itself is pretty specialised knowledge and
  • b) this would be a pretty time consuming step

Hope that sheds some light.

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makes sense.

What we are doing now is weaving together into a series of articles what we have learned both from the 3 year internet of humans discussions on platform + discussions during the event + the new scifi stories where the tech is dealt with more thoroughly.

This is fantastic write up. Thank you! We will use this to tune the game.

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