This article reminds me of news about the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) specifically the SDG Agenda 2030. The SDG Agenda 2030 has been presented in some news coverage at the microblog social networking service, namely Twitter. Although – for all of the bureaucratic institution of the United Nations, and the concerns of national missions to the United Nations, among all UN member nations – it may not seem to be very much an immediately effective agenda, but I believe that it represents a sense of a unifying principal for humanitarian development, in the world.
It may seem that there is typically more coverage about the SDG Agenda 2030, around times when there are meetings of the United Nations in which the Agenda 2030 is being addressed in discussion. I would not wish to discredit the idealists of the United Nations, that it may not seem to be “Reaching the ground,” between those few UN meetings. Personally, I think it is a rare and positive kind of agenda, however, an agenda with a uniquely practical manner of focus.
There is a formal document describing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but it is not a short document, Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In the nomenclature of United Nations publications, the document is titled “A/RES/70/1”. The text is available in a number of languages:
- A/RES/70/1 in Arabic
- A/RES/70/1 in Chinese
- A/RES/70/1 in English
- A/RES/70/1 in French
- A/RES/70/1 in Russian
- A/RES/70/1 in Spanish
There are a total of 17 formal goals of the 2030 Agenda – the text of the goals, focusing on topics such as for ending poverty, promoting gender equality, addressing social concerns with regards to estimates of global climate theory, and promoting health and education. Perhaps the Sustainable Development Goals may seem to provide an ideal number of topics for focus in discussions, if not moreover o provide a manner of ideal direction as with regards to sustainable innovations in real world developments.
In the interest of following the news about the #2030agenda, personally I created a Twitter list, as it being a list primarily of Twitter channels created by UN member institutions. The list is titled post2015. Although it may not be a “Complete” list of UN member institutions, but I believe that it may serve to present much of the news in the ongoing progress of the development of the UN sustainable development goals.
The SDG Agenda 2030 has been denoted at Twitter with a various number of “hashtags”, in social networking over time. The first such hash tag by which I had seen it denoted with, at Twitter, it was the “#post2015” tag. Later, there was the “#agenda2030” tag, more recently the “#2030agenda” tag. The “#shareHumanity” tag has also found some application, at Twitter, sometimes in a context of the SDG Agenda 2030 and otherwise as with regards to humanitarian concerns, broadly in news of world events.
In order to develop an approach for development, such that may be established in addressing a set of common goals, I believe that the UN SDG Agenda 2030 is “The best thing going.” Perhaps the United Nations, as an institution, may seem to exist as an institution largely independent of individual national, commercial, political, religious, and ethnic concerns, as the UN representing a forum established for civil society.
Of course, the Agenda 2030 is so broad that it may be difficult to illustrate for how it may relate singularly to any specific, practical, “Real world” projects. Personally, I would not want to suggest as though the United Nations was all of only a bureaucratic institution, though I understand that much of the proceedings of the UN occur at a pace of a slow-going bureaucracy. I understand that the Humanitarian Clusters of the UN are making a definite progress in the real world.
Personally, I am of an impression that Communication is one of the most important resources in humanitarian development – communication, in any single kind of media, whether of the Internet, of print publications, of radio news, or otherwise communications. Though I think it is not easy to find an opportunity to develop a project outside of the global commerce of commercial enterprise, I am certain that it is “Where the future is developed,” all of the world outside of the “Enterprise Silo.”
Personally, I hope that Edgeryders may ever be more formally a part of developing in a context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Even if without any formal association, though, I think this is a cheerful forum for communication.