Digital Social Innovation Fair 2017 in Rome

Working on it …

… while travelling to Paris (on TGV). If I have anything, I’ll post it before arriving in Paris (at 11h39) – assuming my connection is ok.

New images

I’ve added them at the bottom of the GDoc. I hope it helps. I’ve kept with the mental health example which seemed the more illustrative. Produced another view of the interaction network. I’ll soon be arriving in Paris and won’t be able to contribute more content.

Bout th eposter, yes indeed it is a good idea, we have time to prepare something before Feb, after the holidays.


Actually, we must produce one for the event anyway (see 1st post).

Green light

Waiting for your green light to post the contribution on the DSI website :slight_smile:

Yeah, go


Submitted !

have a look at the final version here:

1 Like


For some reason there is a duplicate sentence in the first paragraph: “n. It aims to capture and translate the deep insights of the people and projects, it engages into scientifically solid and pragmatic solutions around innovative healthcare and social care. It aims to capture the deep insights of the participants into scientifically solid and pragmatic solutions around innovative health and social care, by deploying them as evidence from a collective sense-making exercise.” :frowning:

changes made

last version uploaded here:

Hi @Luce and all

also someone of us will be in Rome.

see you


ps. do you have any idea about possible dates for the meeting with Commission in Brussels? Thanks

Meeting in Brussels

Ciao Franca ! great to know that you will be there as well :slight_smile: what do you have in mind when you say “possible data for the meeting”?

dates for Brussels

Dear @Luce

Unfortnately I’ll be not there… I’ll start the new job in some days…

But Rossana or Lucia will be there for sure!

I asked you about possible dates because we need to schedule some events for the first months of 2017.



For now, we have no info

Ah, right you told me in Milan ! I hope we can keep in touch anyway :slight_smile:

For now we have received no notification related to the date of the technical review. Usually, it takes place after the end of the reporting deadline, so most likely in March, but more I can’t tell, for now.

Today: Window for edits to the DSI presentation

Hi all, just in case anyone wants to chip in and help with the presentation for Wednesday, you can do so until this evening at 12:00 when I will have to email it to the organisers. The idea is to zoom in on examples more than linger on everything opencare related.

The time allocated to present is 10 mins. Thanks!

Ping @melancon | @Costantino | @LuceChiodelliUB | @Rossana_Torri


Hello @Noemi, thank you for the reminder ! could you please give me the link to your presentation so that I can jump in? :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Rookie mistake!

Here it is, my bad.


Hello again @Noemi. I’ve read your presentation, it looks great ! I’ve put a few suggestions in the chat linked to the presentation, let me know what you think :slight_smile: xxx