Digital Social Innovation Fair 2017 in Rome

Dear opencare team,

You may have received an invitation to attend the Digital Social Innovation Fair 2017, an event to gather participants to projects funded within the CAPS action and foster future collaborations. This event will be held in Rome, on February, 1st - 2nd 2017.

The DSI aims at addressing fundamental collective human experience research and innovation challenges,presenting a Manifesto for Networked Innovation and setting of recommendations for policy-makers. According to opencare’s own ambitions towards new kinds of policy-making, it sounds important that we get to participate to this event.

Who wants and/or can participate on behalf of opencare ? @melancon / @Alberto / @costantino / @zoescope /@markomanka / @lakomaa / @Rossana_Torri / @Franca

Date: 2017-02-01 08:30:00 - 2017-02-02 18:00:00, Europe/Paris Time.


from WeMake

me and @zoescope.

Already on our calendar.



I will actually be in Italy. This could work.

The goal of this stuff is to establish opencare as the “flagship”, best performing CAPSSI project. We do have some numbers that, I believe, are unmatched by others. Also refer to threads on periodic review.

VERY URGENT - DSI Fair: content to send before Dec. 12th (!!)

Hello, we just received an e-mail from Fabrizio Sestino to announce the content of the upcoming DSI fair in Feb (full content below).

  • The organisers want examples of community engagement on sustainability topics, using networking technologies (social networks, IoT, open source, open data, open hardware).
  • We are listed among the projects that are to appear in a workshop for Public Services based on Collaborative Innovation (along with these projects: Power, Open4citizens, PieNews, Socratic, Comrades, CAP4Access). 
  • We must submit a contribution to our workshop (just 1-2 pages, preferably with pictures) that will be posted on the DSI website to stimulate comments.
  • Key topics: engaging citizens, moving from awareness to action, achieving sustainability, measuring impact, protecting privacy and ethics, defining better research and innovation priorities.
  • We can contribute to the other workshops as well if we want.  
  • Best presentations will be selected for publication by Springer in the proceedings from the event.
  • The organizers also expect participants who developed prototypes to demonstrate their artifacts to the public
  • Each project must submit a clear poster A0-size 

The deadline for this initial posting of ideas is next Monday 12 December at noon. (!)

Who wants and/or can participate on behalf of opencare ? @melancon / @Alberto / @Noemi@Costantino / @zoescope /@markomanka@Lakomaa / @tino-sanandaji@Rossana Torri / @Franca

Dear coordinators of CAPS projects,

As you know, the Digital Social Innovation Fair - DSI Fair 2017 - will take place in Rome (Italy), 1-2 February. Its main purpose is to showcase (and publicly discuss) the most interesting and concrete results from the 36 CAPS projects we’ve funded insofar.

At a moment where new priorities are being defined for the new research programmes, I consider this event as a turning point for the definition of possible continuations of CAPS and its approach (for instance, within the Next Generation Internet initiative).

This is why I count on all and each of you to identify, within your running activities, the most concrete an attractive cases of “digital social innovation” which can be effectively presented during the event. Please refrain from any generic project description, partners’ promotion, or virtual plans – we want concrete examples of engagement of real communities on hot sustainability topics, thanks to the innovative usage of networking technologies (social networks, IoT, open source, open data, open hardware). 

Below you’ll find a revised list of the workshop titles (which has evolved from previous meetings, in order to reflect the areas currently covered by CAPS projects), as well as suggestions for the projects who could/should contribute in each of them. Please take these just as suggestions, and feel free to submit contributions (also more than one) to different workshops, as you think best fits. Your “success stories” will be key to learn about how to engaging citizensmoving from awareness to actionachieving sustainabilitymeasuring impactprotecting privacy and ethicsdefining better research and innovation priorities

  1. Open Democracy & Policy Making (Empatia, Profit, WEB-COSI, D-CENT, Catalyst…)
  2. Collaborative Consumption and the Sharing Economy (ChainReact, Asset, Crowd4roads, SavingFood2.0, Capsella, …)
  3. Collective Sensing and Action (Hackair, Captor, Stars4all, Decarbonet, MAZI, …)
  4. Collaborative Making, Art and Creativity (Make-it, ShakerMaker, Making Sense, …)
  5. Innovation and Internet Science: redesigning Research & Innovation (Netcommons, Nextleap, P2PValue, USEMP, DSI4EU, CHEST, IA4SI, DECODE, …)
  6. Public Services based on Collaborative Innovation (Power, OpenCare, Open4citizens, PieNews, Socratic, Comrades, CAP4Access, …)

Please submit your proposals (just 1-2 pages, preferably with pictures) to Monique (in copy); they will then be publicly posted on the new conference website to stimulate comments and then to finally select the ones which will be presented (and also published by Springer in the proceedings from the event). The deadline for this initial posting of ideas is next Monday 12 December at noon (please let me know of any possible problems in coping with this).

We are also launching a call for the best boots: in Rome there is a possibility to present up to 10-12 concrete demonstrations, the ones which have something “touchable” to show and play with, which cannot be done simply through a website or a poster. Please let us know as well about this, at your earliest opportunity. We anyway expect a clear poster A0-size for each project (which I would expect is already part of your dissemination strategy).

Of course any costs related to participation to the event, writing of papers and setting up of demonstrations are fully eligible within your projects. In case your project has already ended, please let me know as –thanks to the precious support of Chic and DSI4EU- we might be able to provide limited funding to make sure you are present!

Thanks a lot and looking forward to hearing from you all very soon!

Kind regards,


Reuse the deliverable on engagement maybe?

@LuceChiodelliUB, Edgeryders has a deliverable coming upin December on the engagement model. I would base it on Noemi’s presentation in Milano. It looks like the type of stuff that they are looking for from us. Between the slides and the deliverable we would have a little model to show. Guy and I could ice the cake with some nice network visualization to give an idea of community effervescence.

The best person to present would be @Noemi. Or it could be me, depending on some other personal stuff. The “policy campaign” that @Franca and @Rossana_Torri have proposed (and is already being written) will demonstrate the impact of the engagement method on the trajectory of a policy maker producing public services, the City of Milan itself.


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Great idea

I think this is a good fit. Anyone who can devote the necessary time to do the write-up? My guess is @Noemi would be the most efficient in gettting this done since she masters the content and gave the presentation – I understand the dedline is extremely short, and feel the pressure we’re putting on her. @LuceChiodelliUB and I will be in Rome, but ER (@Alberto or @Noemi ) definitely is the one who should present. I haven’t a clear view on the recent contribution by @Franca and @Rossana_Torri.

Please acknowledge and let us know whether you can take charge of this. We mustn’t let the deadline pass by.


Seems more than reasonable to me - the aim is not to reinvent the wheel but rather to display our assets, so let’s go !!  A live demo of the work on network viz would indeed be the icing on the cake.

Could we also ask @costantino and @zoescope to demonstrate the InPe prototype to this occasion ?

The result that nobody else has

If CAPSSI 1 (under FP7) is anything to go by, the result that nobody else has will be the 200+ people, ~ 2,000 pieces of content and 400,000 words collected via the edgeryders platform. I would make sure we highlight that. It’s also smack in the middle of what we are asked to bring to that workshop, i.e. “community engagement on sustainability topics, using networking technologies”.

With appropriate involvement from all partners, as seems to be possible after the Milano meeting, we might double those numbers by the end of summer 2017. This would be unprecedented in CAPS.

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We’ll be there


I talked with Costantino as I will be there also for DSI4EU project. @Costantino will come too and could do a demo and presentation of InPe prototype. I can support him.



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Almost all of opencare in Rome!

Great, that will give us yet another occasion to meet and brainstorm before we get interviewed in Brussels.

my mind exactly

My mind exactly, this meeting is an opportunity to properly train for the interview and see how people get to understand our work and achievements.

Network viz demo or poster?

What do you have in mind? Are you suggesting we demo the network viz or are you suggestign we use images on the poster (we are asked to design)?

Ok from me

I am up for going. I will select two of the more telling slides for the 2 pager and condense the text to accompany them.

Expect a draft on Friday at noon, will send it to Luce and Alberto for quick review.

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Precisions from DSI fair organisers

We just received additional info about the contributions to the DSI fair from Monique Calisti (

Dear All,

as some of you asked for clarifications let me anticipate couple of aspects that I hope will be useful for all of you:

1. CAPS projects should prepare a short description of their best practices based on the problem they are solving and to be able to present the results of their project at the DSI Fair 2017 ( You should provide input to the specific workshop your project’s name has been indicated (see Fabrizio’s email). 

2. Your input and the description of your contribution shall be publicly available to the whole community through the CAPS community portal ( The best contributions will be selected to participate and present their contribution / input to the specific workshop.

All projects have been indeed invited and are expected to provide input. 

Now if you have doubts on how to use the CAPS community portal, please don’t hesitate to contact my colleagues Miguel and Tomas:

Miguel Alarcón | Martel Innovate <>

Tomas Aliaga <>

Looking forward to your contributions.



Template for written contributions !

We just received from Fabrizio Sestini a template for the contributions to the DSI Fair website, available HERE.

Dear all,

At large request (J), please find attached a simple template for submitting your contribution(s) to the DSI Fair. For any further doubts or questions, please peruse the networking platform which has just been set up at  . By the way, feel free to share with us any comments or suggestions for improvements you might have, in order to make this platform as useful and user-friendly as possible. Thanks!

Yours sincerely,


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…by the way

I will be in Rome too.

Just registered to DSIF

I hope i can provide some insights about “community effervescence” in the network; in time and if you think it will fit in the presentation.

a best weekend to all

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First shot done, needs some polish!

Hi @Alberto@LuceChiodelliUB, @Federico_Monaco : here is a two pager we will be sending as a summary of our contribution to the workshop. Any feedback or ideas welcome, I wont take offense if you change it around.

I don’t think we should include anything about policymaking now as it is a work in progress, not a success *Yet!

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Great work

@Neomi thanks for putting together this sharp abstract. As mentioned in a comment, I might help with an image if you provide me some input.

Polish is coming

You are a star, as always.

Polish added

I’m done. Now:

  • @Noemi please approve (or not) my suggestions on the doc
  • @melancon in the comments you find instructions for one more picture to produce (I have added one).

I do suggest producing a poster.