Distributing Study Kits to Grade 11 and 12 students

Hi guys, I work at a non profit in Kathmandu called Women LEAD Nepal that works to empower young women in Nepal. With the board exams for high school students nearing, we have initiated a project to distribute study kits that includes notes, books, stationery etc. to the needy victims who are affected by the quake. If you know of any students from grade 11 or 12 who are in need, please send me an email at aparnas@womenlead.org. Thanks!

Welcome then!

… and ping @anubhutipoudyal and @Natalia_Skoczylas and @Matthias, who are on the ground and might have more information…

Will spread the word

Thank you @aparnas for posting this here. I will share this information with few of my friends who are trying to work on Temporary Learning Centres and doing initial assessments.