@ Diversity Idea competition: 73 Days to go

Seems like the EU is in need of ideas… and ideas ar not missing throughout the Ederyder network.

The @Diversity Idea Competition is seeking fresh and innovative ideas for the European cultural industry making use of ICT to create / make accessible / spread and/or finance cultural products. If an idea wins, it becomes part of the @Diversity incubation programme: which basically means developed into business models. 

I have been doing acrobatics between the creative and cultural sector and EU funding opportunities: in this process I have had my experience of limits, problems, obstacles… I would love to brainstorm with someone that knows about ICT to see what pops out? 

Anybody in? 


Ilaria, interestion! But… could you post a link? Incubator programmes can be very good… or not. Assessing this one is critical for deciding whether to make the investment in another no-money-attached competition.


Alberto, you are right! I was sure I did!

Here you go, check for yourself : http://ec.europa.eu/culture/news/20130523-diversity_en.htm

Would love to hear what you think about it.