Please make sure to reply to te organizers (I suggest replying to all emails Stavroula, Fabrizio and chic). The email says the presenter should register asap.
it is our pleasure to announce you that your proposal for the Digital Social Innovation Fair 2017 workshop sessions has been accepted. The presenter of the work MUST register asap to the event (notice registration is for free but places are limited, please go at
Please note that the proposal based on the OPENCARE project has been accepted to contribute to the Workshop titled: Public Services based on Collaborative Innovation. Detailed comments will follow in January.
By 10th January, please, confirm us the name of the presenter and the title of your presentation.
All the best wishes for a Happy New Year.
Yours Sincerely
Stavroula Maglavera
On behalf of the DSI Fair 2017 Organising Committee
The DSI fait is in February, and I assume we will be done with preparing the mid-term report. It would indeed be a great opportunity to meet and rehearese before we get evaluated. Would be great of all partners could commit to being in Rome in Feb.
The presentation will involve each partner presenting its activities (and other presentations prenseting the overall achievements of the project as a whole). We will propose a presentation agenda much ahead of the Rome meeting.
I can not commit to Rome. Edgeryders will be represented, of course, but I wonder if it is productive to commit Noemi to a review-oriented session. It will be me in Brussels. I guess it depends on her, and how keen she is to learn the admin side of things.
On the upside, this will not be my first EU review meeting.
Thanks @melancon for the notice! I emailed a provisional title for the presentation - “From meaningful online conversations to coordinated community provision of health and social care”.
I can join you guys for the prepping session in Rome, but as observer and feedback contributor, not as a presenter.