DSI manifesto event, 23 May 2017, Rimini, Italy

Digital Social Innovation Manifesto


The DSI Manifesto must set priorities and identify the measures to be put in place for digital innovation to be at the service of the whole civil society. This will give a stronger voice to the Digital Social Innovation communities in Europe: it will help raising the public and political awareness about the importance of digital social innovation and its impact on policy makers and local authorities.

TThe aim of the DSI Manifesto consultation is to obtain views and contributions from a broad constituency on the main priorities that should be captured. Your contributions will help to the updated version of the DSI Manifesto that will be presented and further discussed during the dedicated workshop that will be held on the 23 May 2017 in Rimini (Italy), co-located with the Rimini Wake Hub 2017 event. Registration is open, book your seat!

It takes only few minutes to contribute, but these few minutes can make a huge difference!

DSI manifesto

The consultation will be open untilMay the 17th. Please help us spreading the voice and gather contributions from all active players!

Help us promoting the DSI Manifesto: #DSImanifesto

For more details contact info@capssi.eu


DSI Manifesto meeting in Rimini, 23 May 2017: agenda


Please read the agenda here: Agenda - Digital Social Innovation Manifesto Digital Social Innovation Manifesto

DSI manifesto, again

@melancon @Alberto @Noemi @zoescope @costantino @lakomaa @markomanka @rossana_torri @matteo_matteini

Dear CAPS Colleagues,

on behalf of the ChiC CSA project, I would like to invite you to voice your CAPS efforts and contribute to the Digital Social Innovation Manifesto initiative - www.dsimanifesto.eu

What we need from you is:

1. Read the Manifesto (https://www.dsimanifesto.eu/manifesto/) and participate to the online consultation (https://www.dsimanifesto.eu/consultation/). It closes 17th May!!! Also, please advertise this initiative to your colleagues or any other player you are in contact with that can contribute.

  1. Participate to the DSI Manifesto workshop in Rimini on the 23 May and send us UPFRONT and AS SOON AS POSSIBLE a 5 minutes statement you’ll be able to present during the workshop (in the dedicated session at 14:30h - 14:45h - seehttps://www.dsimanifesto.eu/workshop/agenda/ - Also here please make sure you and your colleagues and contacts that might be interested are informed about the workshop in RImini. Registration is for free, but places are limited and we almost reached saturation. So hurry up

Thanks a lot to react asap. Your contribution is crucial in many ways.

Kind Regards

Monique for Chic project


This is costly in terms of time. What do we stand to gain? Why would we go to Rimini to make a 5 minutes statement?