EarthOS project funding opportunities

The thing is that public authorities, regions, in most of the EU countries don’t have a very big impact on the creation of the national Operational Programmes for the implementation of the ERDF, ESF or CF. That’s mostly under the managing authorities (on national level), such as ministries, national and EU agencies. So you can focus either on the partnership with the regional public authorities and have an impact on the creation of their regional strategies, programmes and plans (have to be in line with national strategies, OPs, etc.) or through the EU level and your advocacy work that can have an impact on the creation of the different EU policies. That could include meetings, events, initiatives with the Commission, DGs, Commissioners, MEPs, and through direct grants (such as LIFE). It is from my experience working for regional authorities.

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EIT Climate-KIC Extraordinary Post COVID-19 Regeneration Call 2020 is now open.
Stage 1: Expression of Interest
Deadline: 22 May 2020 (17:00 CET).

Stage 2: Full proposal submission
Invitation to submit a full proposal: 29 May 2020
Call closing: 12 June 2020 (17:00 CET).


This last Climate-KIC call sounds like a great (!) fit for my and @daniel’s project PayCoupons. It’s ticking many of the boxes (systems innovation, regional job creation and economic revival, resource efficiency through circular / local economies, mature enough product).

Unfortunately I’m seeing this too late, and it’s the typical C-KIC tightness of timeline (“please spend these 200 000 EUR grant before the end of the year, and everything has to be physically paid out by that time”). So I think we have to pass, which is a pity.

Anyway @andreja, thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you see other similar calls, welcome to @mention me so I’ll see this right away. We’d really need something to fund marketing / outreach for this product, since it’s the only thing missing to make this a tool for economic revival (I hope).

Hmm I think we could actually apply with the OCI Lab/Swarm Impact Fund concept. I had missed this somehow. @andreja could you help me tomorrow with getting an application into that platform thing they use, plaza - if I put together the content?

For this call one needs a consortium of two entities. If you don’t have a second one already, we could apply as Edgeryders OÜ plus PayCoupons GmbH.

In that case I’d have some time tomorrow to help writing a concept note. We had some ideas already about using PayCoupons as a collaboration system in OCI Lab, so it would not be difficult to come up with a suitable concept, I think.

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ok yes I can free up all of tomorrow for this. What time do you want to start?

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im going to bed now but will be up very early in the morning. So ill see what you write here when i get up and adapt my schedule around it.

I’ll be around from 9:30.

So guys, just to let you know, I was in contact with @alberto about this call, since they strongly recommended that you liaise with your local EIT Climate-KIC office prior to submitting a proposal to receive support and guidance on completing your application. So, that’s the first step. Since today, actually yesterday was a public holiday they replied that we can have a call today, Friday. The deadline is at 17h. But also because of the obligation that the projects must deliver tangible outputs by the end of 2020 – products, services and solutions with clear market pathways, and in their today’s response they repeat that this requirement that something tangible needs to be delivered this year is very strict. Due to the requirement that the projects deploy funding by the end of 2020, programmes and projects that have the maturity level to grow and scale fast, create jobs, and that build and complement our existing portfolio of work are preferred, Alberto proposed 3 project ideas, and they are mostly interested in first one related to the Climate Positive project. I don’t know if we are going to apply with this one, so before working on anything please coordinate this, and as I mentioned, first step before applying is to check your project idea with C-KIC…

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which project is the climate positive one again? the remote work thing or something else?

Ok @andreja and @matthias I put together a first stab at a concept note. Can you have a look please and make any necessary edits if you see it this morning? and @andreja can you check with climate kic what they think? Edgeryders Program for Post COVID-19 Regeneration - Google Docs

Yes, our remote work related project was the one called “Climate Positive Climate-KIC”.

Sure, having a look now.

aha ok so then in the proposal you should find a way to include mention of the work done on this and how this is a project that also includes/builds on that.

I need access for this.

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