Hi everyone,
I’m Andreja and I’m the new EarthOS unit coordinator.
So I would like to share with you some information about the funding possibilities within the new COSME call for proposals Social Economy Missions, https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/other_eu_prog/cosme/wp-call/call-fiche_cos-sme-2020-4-01_en.pdf and new LIFE calls. I made a summary of the calls, and for the short version just read the bolded parts😊
COSME programme is the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). It runs from 2014 to 2020 with a planned budget of €2.3bn. But as I mentioned to @nadia and @alberto during today’s call, by the end of this year it is necessary to spend all funds for this programming period 2014-2020, and the rules and conditions are different and simpler for the remaining calls and different initiatives. So this call is no longer for SMEs but for regional and local authorities with similar social economy priorities and accompanied by regional and local social economy stakeholders (social enterprises, cooperatives, SMEs, etc.). Networks and umbrella organisations at various levels (European, national, inter-regional, regional, local) active in the field of social economy will be invited to enrich the missions’ exchanges and mutual learning within the established partnerships, including new, innovative approaches. The “social economy missions” will help to gradually build an ecosystem of players, encouraging the interaction between different partners both at public and private level and thus contributing to development of the European social economy community.
The call will support consortia in developing inter-regional collaboration through sharing and replicating best practices and inter-regional learning, and create opportunities and incentives for future inter-regional partnerships in the field of priorities of “Social economy missions”.
The specific objectives to be achieved through this call for proposals are:
• Enhancing interaction and improving collaboration between existing social economy networks and stakeholders at regional and local level in the field of priorities of “Social economy missions”;
• Boosting inter-regional learning between social economy stakeholders (public and private sector) in the field of priorities of “Social economy missions”;
• Contributing to a gradual building of a Social Economy community.
Deadline for submitting applications 9 June 2020 (indicative starting date of the action February 2021).
The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects is estimated at EUR 1 900 000. The maximum grant per project will be EUR 100.000. EASME expects to fund 19 proposals.
Eligible applicants must be legal entities forming a consortium. The coordinator must be a regional or local public administration (such as municipality, city, region, etc.).
Eligible consortia must include at least three different regional or local public administration (such as municipality, city, region, etc.) from three different EU Member States or countries.
In addition to the minimum number of required consortium partners, the following organisations can participate as consortium partners:
• Network or umbrella organisations in the field of social economy or social entrepreneurship or related issues at inter-regional, national, EU or COSME countries’ level.
Possible topics can be: 1. Building resilient regional and/or local ecosystems; 2. Socially responsible public procurement; 3. Building Clusters of Social and Ecological Innovation or participation in traditional clusters; 4. Support to social economy business development; 5. Support to local and regional initiatives in the area of green and digital transition; 6. Local or regional measures tackling unemployment; 7. Sustainable agriculture and rural development; 8. Education and training to develop the social economy ecosystem; 9. The development of horizontal policies to support social economy at local or regional level; 10. Social economy initiatives to integrate migrants; 11. Other (identified by the applicants).
Minimum requirements for outputs of “social economy missions” include: a) Three workshops b) Three workshop reports with good practices in the field of priority of “social economy mission” as stipulated in the section 2.3, and published at the Social Economy Community collaborative website in requested templates; c) Final report.