Pub meets - regular - non-exclusive - keep it open - don’t exclusively brand as only for edgeryders who have been at the conference.
Co working spaces, anti-shops, community spaces
Make use of existing public spaces?
How often?
Think about what you would like to achieve from an Edgecamp:
Weekly meetings of discussion to keep the community together?
Bi-monthly or quarterly weekend events?
Format ideas:
Microtalks -
Pecha Kucha Presentations: (20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each)
Intensive unconference - friday drinks - saturday unconference - as soon as finishes 24hour hack day
Invite local public service practitioners to give a talk on a problem faced - do a creative brain storming session on how to fix it - local authorities like being involved.
keep it conversational
film night - watching films, TEDx talks - other stuff.
Facilitation methods
Tackle problems using creative tools for group discussion and individual thinking, such as Six Thinking Hats
Just to let you know I’m chewing on this one… probably most of us who’ve seen the value of EdgeCamp. And apparently the first meeting is tomorrow in Berlin, and the 2nd one in London organized by Anthony 2 weeks from now.
Starting local community groups of Edgeryders goes hand in hand with this discussion we’re having with Ksenia, her idea is to organize event partnering with authorities and makers and innovators to create a dialogue around interesting projects and the potential they have… Here is her idea explained better, and my question was related to how the community will grow and stick together at the same time- should local events be planned and reported back in a way that involves many of us, or just a few who will be responsible to introduce Edgeryders and involve their locals in it? is building a community something we’re still interested in or making things happen with help from the existing one? if both, than i believe we’re walking a fine line…