You asked for other examples…
I can not speak for Alberto, but I am on a somewhat similar path. I am a player of the same sphere, the open government sphere. I have followed Alberto’s career with great interest and curiosity for several months. One could say that I can guess where he stands, in comparison with other members of this community.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish”, says a proverb. True leaders have an ability to see things differently. They realize that there is room for improvement. They see what could be done better, and they try to improve it.
Alberto has a vision. He wrote a book recently. He took the time to think and to play with ideas, he learned by himself, by reading and surfing through a lot of information, by taking the time also to talk with people. He sat back and observed what works and what doesn’t.
He must have loved doing it. This book probably forced him to self-impose a lot of discipline and rigor. But it must have been an experience that brought him a certain satisfaction. This author’s experience gave him more insight and generated even more knowledge.
It also brought him visibility and attention.
Combined with his other talents - he’s known to be a gifted speaker - he positions himself as one of the bests in its field. And now, he is leading a bold opengov project, Edgeryders. I might be wrong, but I find that Alberto walks in a straight line. His career may be difficult, he may not be in a partying mood everyday, it is never easy to blaze new trails, but he seems to be making good decisions. Strategy, hey!
There are many people who believe in what Alberto does. People watch him walk from a distance, they follow him on Twitter and via social media. If we were to interview these people, I am convinced that they would tell us that they have a gut feeling, they know that he will succeed in making changes. They have confidence in him and in his vision. Alberto won’t change the world… but he can make a difference. It is for these reasons that some individuals from the open government sphere are willing to invest their time and energy in the Edgeryders project. Alberto is a leader figurehead, tied in front of the ship.
It is rare that this pathway occurs at the age of 20. I think that one must have lived through many experiences in order to mature a vision. It helps, however, when listening to the heart, to choose and prioritize the things we love.
Is it a coincidence? (Nah… I don’t believe in coincidences… Everything happens for a reason.) Have you noticed that there are several Fire Horses in Alberto’s orbit? John F Moore (read about John’s story) and myself, we also are Fire Horses.
It’s just very old Chinese stuff, one could argue! But I cannot not help but notice that there are common traits of character.…
Horse people are active and energetic. Very quick-witted. They are courageous and adventurous who love to try out new things. They are born winners. In general, the Horses are gifted. They are optimistic. They love the excitement of action and the change it brings. The Fire element makes them passionate about their feelings and they always take a stand in a situation. Fire Horses are never on the fence about anything and have definitive opinions about the world. Fire Horses make inspiring leaders, revered and respected. They encourage their subordinates with kindness and just the right degree of strictness and work well with people in all stations of life.
A giant. Alberto is a giant. Maybe you do not feel it. But I see it very clearly (that’s one of my gifts, I see people’s soul, I don’t talk much, but damn, I see everything beyond the screen of world of illusions). He has the potential to reach for the highest vision of who he is. Others also perceive it. Over time, this will become increasingly apparent. Let’s wait and see… I would put my hand into the fire.…