On May 13-15 I will be participating in Tillväxtdagarna, an annual gathering of the Swedish political and commercial establishment taking place in Linköping this year. It is funded by one of the major Swedish banks and its apparent aim is to be “an arena for anyone that wants to create better conditions for local and regional growth, entrepreneurship and enterprise”.
I’ve been invited to participate in a panel called “To own one´s future – the new generation’s road to work and democracy”. The background is that Global Utmaning, and independent Swedish think tank through Nathalie Besèr asked me to get involved in producing an anthology originally about labour market conditions. They were wise enough to see the value in moving away from a top-down process of producing recommendations, and towards a real conversation. And dove into what is unfolding into a really interesting model for collaboration between the edges and the center.
The event coincides with the launch of the first edition of our anthology on Youth and the labour market in the Baltic Sea Region, the outcome of an ongoing collaboration with Global Challenge, an independent Swedish think tank founded Kristina Persson (former vice governor of the Swedish central bank). So we started an experimental process of open collaboration around a book. The first edition of the book is now ready, but the project is still ongoing. I have uploaded the parts I have written and if you want a copy of the full book just ping me.
I would like to take this opportunity to:
- Open a national conversation around some of what we have been discussing about work, the search for meaning and innovation. Especially now that Swedish and European elections are coming up.
- Ensure that credit is given where credit is due: in addition to making sure everyone who contributed significant content to the book is paid as agreed upon, what would be a good way of ensuring everyone who has contributed is acknowledged?
If you have ideas for how we could do this together, and would like to help post a comment below!