Edgeryders business cards question&answer

K: Some local events keep popping up involving those who value business cards. I would like to have edgeryders one with an email to use responsibly with pride. Can I have it?

Alberto: I think Matthias (in cc) would be the one to to do it. Of course you can have an edgeryders.eu email. You might also want to add yourself on the Linkedin company profile: give yourself “Trusted associate” as a job title. This means that, if people look you up on Linkedin, you are there. But it’s not super-important., don’t start a Linkedin profile just for this.

Email address sorted


Re business cards, send me your full name, phone numbers and a link to a nice high resolution photo of you. You can do this through the contact form on my prodile page. will sort out card in a day or so for you to print, k?

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Email address sorted


Re business cards, send me your full name, phone numbers and a link to a nice high resolution photo of you. You can do this through the contact form on my prodile page. will sort out card in a day or so for you to print, k?