Edgeryders Social Media Calendar

Edgeryders Social Media Calendar - generating buzz, excitement and engagement in all things \#edgeryders

tags: #unMon edgeryders mt2019 matera futurespotters [please add the hashtags for all the your projects here]

This is a place where we suggest to share Edgeryders content and posts daily, and we give you examples of posts to share on any channels you prefer (facebook, twitter, linkedin, … )

  1. Best way to keep us all up to date, find collaborators etc is through the Edgeryders weekly community call *see vents calendar to your right.

  2. Post social media ready status updates in the the wiki below for us to push out via the Edgeryders social media channels.

Regarding tags: How about adding some of the common tags tagged that fit Edgeryders  themes and story contents and enable serendipitous discovery event if you’re not looking for #edgeryders: food agriculture solar learning tech p2p open jobs community collaboration #school [add more here] or even socinn #socinnov #cocreate, community, makerspace, learning even urbanism  [add more here]

content we share :

Monday 5 May

Edgeryders co-founder Nadia EL-Imam to hold a keynote at All Africa Futures Forum May 26-28, Johannesburg Http://sampnode.org.za/events/africa-futures-forum

Wednesday 30 April

The @unMonastery nominated for @OuiShareFest awards! Check out the video and vote 4 our generous unMonasterians OuiShare Awards Nominees 2014

Tuesday 29 April

Pls check out and vote for @CommonLibraries in the OuiShare Awards: /t/common-libraries/577/ouishare-awards #OSFest14


Guys, it’s great to support CommonLibraries. But our own project, the unMonastery, is also in that competition. How about we support that? @saidhamideh, please: full steam for the unMonastery! We need 1000 votes in 5 days.
