Education and Commons

Hi everyone,

In Milano we are setting a physical space to focus on three main areas: urban regeneration - Social inclusione - Cultural innovation.

We will offer working spaces, open areas for performances and set of training courses on Art - Community engagement - Digital and social innovation

Now my question, could you suggest me specific topics and training tools to organise open community courses and workshops on P2P economy, Wiki collaborative tools, Digital fabrication and so on? I know it’s a wide range of areas, but I think Edge Ryders is the right place to brainstorm.

Thanks a lot, Sergio

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Sergio, I don’t quite understand what your focus is and who the workshop is for, nowadays if you say commons or the p2p economy it doesn’t mean much unfortunately.

But anyway, my two cents: we used MethodKits at a workshop in Bucharest where we were trying to get people from different fields and organisations think about how they can collaborate and interface with each other’s project. My guess is you’d need more iterations and heavy documentation on hackpads or trello? to go deeper and craft strategies for achieving goals on one or more components of the project (each component or area of thinking is represented in a Methodkit card).

Even before going in at the project level, we filmed 10 seconds videos with each participant formulating an individual quest. Of course, this can be adapted to something else, but it’s turned quite engaging.

Meet up?

Hi @Sergio_Galasso, I will be in Milano on 12-13 November. We might meet up, if you want.

In general: do you see any space for collaboration with people from the Edgeryders community that might come up with suggestions? Would you be following up, reporting on how you used suggestions and information received? If people see they can get involved, they have more of an incentive to engage. It’s no fun to give suggestions to run a far-away space that you will never see, nor hear from smiley