Education First

(English version below.)


اعتادنا جمعيا علي العيش في حياه غير عادله فمنا من يولد وهو غني من بادء الامر ومنا من يعيش فقيرا. والفقر هنا ليس بالضروره هو الفقر بالموارد
الماليه. فهو ايضا فقر في الموارد التعليميه اذا ان معظم من فينا لم يختار جوده تعليمه بل هو اختيار اباءه وكذلك فقر في الصحه العامه كالطعام الذي اعتاد ان ياكل منه او البيئه التي اجبر علي العيش بها. فكل منا لم يكن هذا باختياره. وهذا هو هدفي في الحياه وهو تقليل اثار “عدم المساوه” في الفرص والموارد.

الطريقه لفعل هذا هو توفير جوده تعليميه عاليه وشبه متساويه للجميع مع طعام وبيئه صحيه. كل منا لديه جزء من وقته ومجهوده يبذله في الخير سواء في التطوع او التبرع بجزء من المال وغيرها من السبل. فلما لا نفعل ذلك لجذور هذا الموضوع فبدلا من مساعده رجل فقير بالمال تكون الاولويه لبناء او تطوير مستشفي او مدرسه بجوار منزله. فانا لا اقول ان نهمل الرجل الفقير, بل ان نعطي الاولويه للمشاريع التي تضمن عدم بقاء الفقير فقيرا. فاذا وفرنا فرصه تعليم افضل للفقراء سيكون لديهم القدره علي العمل في فرص افضل تضمن لهم دخل افضل يرتقي بهم من مرحله الفقر ويضمن لهم حياه كريمه.

ليس فقط توجيه مجهودتنا الخيريه نحو التعليم سيحسن من الجوانب الاقتصاديه فقط. بل الاجتماعية ايضا. فنجد ان التعليم يشمل القضاء علي ظواهر مجتميه غير حميده مثل العنصريه و التحرش والفساد. ليس هذا فحسب بل ايضا استغلال اصحاب رؤؤس الاموال الفاسدين لهم في امور تدمر المجتمع مثل الارهاب وانتخاب الفسادين في الانتخابات بجميع اشكالها من اجل مكسب علي المدي القصير فقط. وافضل مثال علي هذا هو اخر احصائيه للامم المتحده ان حوالي 40% من ينضمون للجماعات الارهابيه هو بسبب الفقر.

وهذا ما اسعي جاهدا للمساهمه في القضاء عليه بجميع ما اؤتيت من قوه.

We used to live in an unequal place, some of us born rich by nature and other had to struggle to have a good life. Some of the readers might think that being “Rich” is only in accordance with wealth and financial resources but it’s not. It’s all about an environment that includes good education, health, and wealth that enables you to have a free time to do whatever you’re willing to do. What I am aiming to contribute in achieving in my life is the principle of Amartya Sen’s approach of capabilities and development. That we need to let people have equal opportunities of education and health care that allows them all to achieve what they are dreaming.

The first way to reduce inequality is to provide high-quality semi-equal education. Each of us has a part of its time and effort specialized for charity and good whether its volunteer or donating part of the money and other ways. What I am urging and advise people to do is not to help a poor person they know by giving him some money. Our priority needs to build or develop a school surrounded. I do not say that we neglect the poor man, but to give priority to projects that ensure that the poor will not remain poor. If we provide better education opportunities for the poor that will result in a better opportunity for them that provide them a better income, which prompts them from the stage of poverty and guarantees them a decent life.

Not only will our charitable efforts towards education improve the economic aspects. But also, social aspects. We find that education includes the elimination of harmful social phenomena such as terrorism, racism, sexual harassment, and corruption. Not only that but also allows corrupted rich people to exploit them and sustains their corruption that destroys and steal society’s resources. One form of such exploitations is terrorism. The best evidence to highlight it is according to the latest UN statistic that about 40% of those who join terrorist groups is because of poverty.

That’s why I always advise and towards my efforts to Education.


Hello and welcome Khaled,

I’m reading you with interest. The first questions, as it always does for me, is how to begin and how to sustain it. One of the reasons why those at the bottom end of the wealth ladder are not afforded an education is because somehow there are never enough the resources to put into this. So an important part of the work is figuring out how the education process can be sustained to provide continuity.

Another part of the equation is the people actually driving the education - the teachers/ stewards of the education process. In my experience, people who are most likely to care enough to work on building a school for the underpriveledged will themselves not be well off and require some kind of support.

@susa has first hand experience from working with a school in Nairobi, where the students and parents have to raise money to keep it going. They were selling some crafts and Susa ran a course in which students learned how to improve the design so as to raise the profit generated from these objects…

Curious to hear your reflections on this?

hey @khalednazmy welcome on board.

Personally I am interested in Education and your question of how to deliver high quality education to the less privileged forms an essential challenge that we are facing in Egypt.
I was wondering where are you based ? in Cairo ? may be you know educate me they are doing great work in El-Talbia, you can get in touch with @asmaa_kamel ( check this discussion about educate me and share with us your thoughts.

also if you are not based in Cairo, how do you think the start should be ? building a community school as the one in Talbia, or getting into the public schools and deliver new better curriculum, or go for a complete alternative to schools - some sort of a modern version of El-kuttab for example ?