Elie Film Maker/Photographer - Cut by hazem72


hey @Noir welcome to edgeryders
I am posting some summary of the interview so other people can get a chance to know what is it about

Short summary for the interview:

  • Art is born out of an ill-designed world. So as an “artist” I can only always dream of a better world, not to actualize it. As if it is already done and everything is perfect then I have nothing to do.

  • What inspires me are the good and the bad parts, the joy and sadness and the years growing up. I embrace them and live with them so they let me create beautiful things- from my fear of death and losing everything I take this fear and express it through my photos and videos and this helps me before others to get through it and live the sadness before anything happens

  • What stands in my way is mainly myself; my low self-esteem. I am always in contradiction with myself. ( I am a walking contradiction )

  • I try to help others through my “art” or whatever I create or do, when someone sees a photo or film, even if he didn’t understand what I mean at this moment, maybe years after he passes by an incident and he thinks oh that’s what he meant, there I believe I succeeded to deliver the idea.

  • Others help me when they enlighten me and show me new things, things that I haven’t noticed before.

  • I would like for us,people, to have back this sensation with small things in life, like the ones we had before this technological peak, yes tech is important and it helped us a lot but it made us lose on the other hands this feeling, we are now growing on and living a more artificial life.

  • I would like to change the chaos in Lebanon, but everyone starts with something small (with oneself as well) but changing the whole system of the country at once doesn’t work.


  • ما بدى الحياه تكون حلوه بدى احلم بيها. شغلتى كفنان انى اتفرج اكتر من انى احل. بدى اقول ان الفن عادة ما بحياته بيخلى العالم يصير افضل - ممكن بالمطارح الصغيرة وعلى المستوى الشخصى بيصير افضل- بس بالصور الكبيره ما بيظبط العالم



  • اللى بيلهمنى كل المراحل البشعة اللى مريت بيها بحياتى.لما اتعايش معاهم هم بيخلونى اخلق اشيا حلوة - من ورا خوفى من الموت ومن فقدان كل شى بقدر اعبر بصورى وافلامى عن الخوف وهذا الشى بيساعدنى انى اعيش الزعل قبل ما يوصل معى- وبهذا الطريقة بساعد نفسى قبل ما اساعد غيرى



  • اللى بيصعب على ممارسه شغلى هو انا, انا بقف ادام حالى شخص غير امن بقدراتى وفى تخبط بينى وبين حالى.



  • بساعد غيرى من خلال “فنى:” او اى شى بعمله - مجرد ما حدا يتفرج على صوره او فيلم حتى يمكن ما يفهم منها شى بس يمكن بعد سنين يحصله موقف ويقول اه هيك كان قصده: هيك بحسن انى وصلتله الفكره



  • الناس عم بتساعدنى لما بتحلينى اكتشف شى جديد لما بيتثقفنى وتوعيينى على اشيا ما كنت منتبه لها



  • بدى اننا نرجع يكون عندنا احساس مثل ايام زمان قبل زيادة التكنولوجيا, احنا فقدنا كتير احساس بالاشيا - قد ايه التكنولوجيا مهمة وبتفيدنا كتير بس بنفقد كتير احساس بالاشيا الصغيرة.



  • بدى اغير بلبنان الفوضى. بلش بتغير صغير لكن تغيير لبنان كلها مرة واحده ما يصير.


Hi Elie,

welcome on board. Looking forward to meeting you in person. This sense of wonder in everyday life is precious - I find it is easier when out in nature…away from distractions. Today I found this website which somehow has hacked this in a digital context - https://chris.bolin.co/offline/

Ping @matthias and @daniel check it out, any idea how to get that ^^ effect on say a blog? :))

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The “You must go offline to view this page.” effect is probably created by a little JavaScript program embedded in that website. The website will load in the background but not display at first. The JavaScript program will continuously try to reach (“ping”) a certain web server, and when it can’t do that anymore it will know the user is offline. Then, it will show the page which was loaded before.

One can probably see exactly how it’s done (and re-build it the same way) using the web developer tools integrated in Firefox / Chromium.

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