Evaluation broke education

If we speak of learning environments the first though goes at schools and universities.

In my humble experience schools are good at:

- taking care of the kids (freeing parents time)

  • letting the kids know each other and behave as a community

But schools have been terrible at teaching me what matters to live and work well.

I suspect the main critical issue in educational system is the concept of evaluation and grading. But it’s just a suspect and I won’t dig more on this issue.

Going back to my experience…

20 years at school didn’t teach me how to:

Look for the meaning in what I’m doing. “Don’t ask why and do your homework.” or “One day you’ll understand” kind of message was the norm during math lessons.

We never explicitily and consistently talked about “aims” in my school.

Where and how I learnt it:

I guess practicing experimental theatre for one year full-time taught me nothing was for granted and everything had to be designed or thought at least. In fact setting aims was always the toughest part of the job.

20 years at school didn’t teach me how to:

Look for my passions

Enthusiasm and high energy levels are reserved for the hour of sport not for the classroom where depression is the dominant emotion.

School never actively helped me about finding and nurturing my personal passions.

20 years at school didn’t teach me how to:

Facing complex situations / setting the problem

“There’s always the right answer for the given question”

And especially there’s always a clear question.

This is light-year far from the work experiences I had so far in life.

Where and how I learnt it:

The first work experience I had taught me there’s no pre-defined solution for everything (more on this in another mission : )

20 years at school didn’t teach me how to:

Do networking

and I mean: actively look and engage other people based on common interests.

With age-based classes that lasted years I was never encouraged to look for and approach other people based on their and mine interests.

Where and how I learnt it:

Studying abroad in the US gave me the opportunity to learn that networking is a skill (and it’s even fun to practice! :D)

p.s. In Italian we don’t even have an appropriate translation for the word networking. Isn’t networking the most important skill in the work environment?

20 years at school didn’t teach me how to:

co-create with others

Because they have to give me a grade, my grade, they never encouraged me to copy and build on top on my peers work.

Where and how I learnt it:

in the virtual world while learning to code and on Wikipedia as well.

With online videogames. I’ve been playing online videogames for years. There I learnt how to coordinate my efforts with strangers all over the world.

20 years at school didn’t teach me how to:

take initiative and risks, explore the real world, see failures as occasions to learn…

This is really the most important block of skills for me and maybe the synthesis of all the previouses.

Where and how I learnt it:

Organizing workshops and events inside a local and then european student association taught me the joy of taking initiative: to make things happen and to make things.

With these activities I learnt to generously take initiative just for the fun of it: with no expected clear direct benefit.

I could keep writing about personal finance, time management, english language, questioning the authority, cooking… but I don’t wanna write a monologue! :slight_smile:

What's your experience regarding these skills and activities? Did you recognize them as important? Where and how did you learn them?
Am I particularly unlucky with the schools I went to or do we share some of the same experience?
Ciao and thanks for reading! :)

Exactly! You got it! 20 years of school don’t teach the most important, which is getting to know who we are. We each can do something that nobody else can. We each have a little twist at something, a unique gift or special talent.

Actually, if we gave it a try, ie if we applied the seventh spiritual Law of success, also called the law of Dharma, I am sure that it would produce great results and would lead the community doing this test to create abundance and prosperity.

Because a law is a law, right? Just like we know that when we drop an apple, the apple will fall to the ground, and not jump to the sky. Because of the LAW of gravity. Well, the law of dhrama shoots right to prosperity. Why aren’t we doing anything about it? It just eludes me…


My experience exactly, with added major flaws in the approach to the discipline itself (for example, math was taught as a practical, not a theoretical discipline, with emphasis on manipulation rather than concepts). University, however, was better.

Quite depressing. I went to school decades ago. I thought it had gotten better in the mean time.

a quora answer

so today I stumbled upon this Quora answer to the question: what must an educated person know?

Maybe you guys are interested, here it is

My favorite one

Is “The ability to discern true from right.”

You would not believe how many people, even professional researchers, refuse to see what is out there because they don’t think it is right.

Whoa, understand human nature…

This is a very good question, and some of the answers are surprising.

Somehow, I find that the expectations do not match the reality.

One even responded “The ability to understand human nature”. Not many human beings have this ability. I don’t think that a degree in Architecture or any other disciplines prepares anyone for this.

(In order to understand human nature, you must understand consciousness, which means that you must understand the universe, which means that you must ultimately understand God. Let me know if you can find someone with such an ability… and to top it off, that this type of understanding comes from spending time in school. I’ll immediately run to meet him/her.)

Very interesting, I shall come back to this link frequently, to observe the answers… (euh, and have a good laugh!)

my prisons

Giacomo, I appreciate a lot your capacity to schematize!

I recognized myself in:

  • school didn’t teach me how look for my passions

every desire to learn more about certain issues (debates, questions) was stopped because “we were losing time and in this way we won’t ended up the program”

  • school didn’t teach me how co-create with others

I think that in our (italian) educational system there is an excessive individualism. In the high school I’ve never worked in team and I hated the competition for the evaluation, also in the university. My classmates sometimes said me that I had too high scores for the time that I engaged for studing because they knew that I did also other activities in the afternoon.

- the school didn’t teach me to explore the real world

in my high school I studied especially italian, greek and latin litterature, art history.

I would like to have the opportunity to meet journalists, artists, writers, archeologists and other people with my same educational background and having more possibilities to experiment with my creativity.

The ministerial programs were the reason to say no to every proposals to do something different.

We have another common point: during the last year of high school, the theatre was my oxygen.

in the school I felt my mind and my body as two distinct parts. The mind has to work and the body has to be calm and fixed on the chair. I don’t think it is a right, harmonic way to let evolve the youth. the theatre, the contact improvisation, the Feldenkrais method were able to connect these two parts of myself and also connect myself with the others.

I’m curious to read about other experiences