External events

Hello @reeflings!
I just wanted to share 2 interesting events with you.
I’m thinking it might be more efficient to put them in one post rather than creating individual posts which end up cluttering the forum…

I feel like it might be a good way to share these kind of info. We could put new events down the thread for people to check out. If people feel like they could be interested to go, they could :heart: the comment, and the personn who put out the event (or somebody else) could start a thread or a group private message.
We could also use @ to draw the attention of certain teams or people to the event.
What do you think? Does that work? Any suggestions?


So here is the first one:

And here is another one that might be interesting for @reef-finance and/or @reef-building (not sure whom area of competence this belongs to!?)

I personally like to have one thread per event, because this way I can see from the title whether I want to open it or not. Uncluttering the forum to me is less of a concern. I mean: I care, but I try to pick my battles because it’s a bit hopeless sometimes. A key thing I believe is to not try to read everything, because that’s simply impossible.

I tried to register but the link doesn’t work :unamused:

For me it is easier to find the event again later if I know I have to look for “external event” rather than trying to remember the name of the event or going through the looong list of posts… And easier to have a glance of all the events once in a while…

So I guess it’s about personnal preferences…

There were a few people that also seemed happy with the proposal though.
But at the same time, it’s not a major issue and it doesn’t seem to be a concern for the majority of the group :sweat_smile:
So no need to have a long debate!
Unless people feel strongly about it, we can keep it the way it was; mm, no PB for me, I’m adaptable!

I sent them an email, let’s see what comes up from it… will keep you posted…

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The way to solve this problem is by tagging the event posts with the “third-party event” tag.

At the top of the forum you can select it, and then all the posts will come out, and you can browse them by their title.


It also works very well for Teams. If you try “reef-finance” for example, you get all the threads of Team Finance.

That being said and with the new group coming in, I think I’m going to organise a webinar about the 1000 mysteries of The Reef’s IT infrastructure. I’ve unravelled about 10 of them (I think), so I figured it may be useful to share that knowledge.

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Oh great! Perfect solution!!

And yes, a IT webinar would be very helpful, for new AND old reeflings!
Personally I also need to learn about headings and font in next cloud … absolute mystery to me!


Count on @reef-it for that!

Can we do it together? My feeling is that bringing in the dummy’s perspective (in casu: me) could help Team IT to identify what the mysteries are for those less familiar with our IT infrastructure.