Fast and beautiful real-time visualisations of the opencare social network

A little Christmas gift for @Nadia , @Noemi and whoever is interested to keep an eye on the shape of the conversation in opencare.

I have made a Tulip perspective that contains no graph data, only Python scripts. If you download it and follow the instructions (which consist mostly of launching the scripts one after the other) you obtain nice-looking visualizations of the opencare social network, based on live data. The first script gets the data through Edgeryders APIs.

It’s on GitHub: GitHub - opencarecc/rapid-social-networks: Beautiful, fast social networks of the opencare conversation for community management purposes . Detailed instructions are on the repo’s wiki. As an added feature, a script creates a graph where the community managers (Noemi, Nadia and myself) are removed. This tells you how much peer-to-peer interaction versus person-to-project interaction there is. Results are encouraging: 90% of users are connected to the giant component, even when you disconnect all three community managers.

Yesterday the network looked like this:

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Error. Can somebody help run the script on that graph?

Thanks Alberto, it seems like something very useful for people who don’t code and can’t man Tulip.

I followed the instructions but I get an error when trying to run the script. Here it is, maybe @Jason_Vallet can help me out? With thanks!

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “”, line 17, in <module>

import requests

ImportError: No module named requests

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “<string>”, line 1, in <module>

ImportError: No module named OC_network

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “<unnamed script>”, line 17, in <module>

ImportError: No module named requests

You need to import the module first :slight_smile:

Sorry, I should have specified it. requests is a Python library, or “module”, that manages http requests for the script.

I install Python libraries by opening a Terminal window and typing

pip install requests

That will only work if you have pip. Macs have it. Some people using Windows have managed to solve the problem typing the following in Power Shell:

python.exe -m pip install requests

More explanations here: