Feasibility study Kersbeek

Hey @reef-building as well as @Lee and @ChrisM as coordinators, we have received news about our ongoing feasibility study on the Kersbeek site:

The architects had a meeting with an architect from the service urbanisme de Forest today (31/08) and presented a site plan. He is in favour of the project but advised to present the draft to other stakeholders (région, environnement, patrimoine, échevin, etc.) because of the specific layout (’îlot). Also, he does not know about any other project on this plot :slight_smile:

There will be a meeting with Mme Marie Fryns on 21 september (time tbc). The presence of a member of The Reef would be highly appreciated.

Should this meeting be attended by a member of the negotiators team? Otherwise, a French-speaker from Team Building?


Good evening,
Mieke, Aline and I visited Brutopia today with Serge as our guide. Serge told me that the Region had a potential project for this ilôt, but he was enthusiastic and found the place interesting.


Who is Marie Fryns ?
At this point it would make more sense somebody from team building no? This concerns scouting more than négociations as it won’t be a contact with the owner, right?

I’m free that day to join the meeting

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Thanks for the info @Sophie_B!
I would also say that this is a step before the negotiators team. But perhaps it would be good to have 2 or 3 people there. @Julien has already put his hand up, so that’s a French speaker from Team Building covered. @Lee will be back by then, so maybe she might like to go as the Coordinator…

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If I can make reconcile it with my professional calendar I’d be happy to join too.

It is a meeting with the Region to present the project and obtain an initial opinion from them.


It’s a teams meeting on 21/09 - 14h30.

Link of meeting is following :wink:

I have a full day training course at work, so not sure I’ll be able to make it that day.

Cliquez ici pour rejoindre la réunion For who wants to join that day.

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Thanks Julien. Could you please add that to the Nextcloud calendar? That’s how we ensure that everybody has access to it. In the info part of the invite you could add a link to this post, so everybody knows what it’s about. TIA!

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I should be able to make myself available for this too.

Although I have some worries about this site.
The site is actually 6000m2, which is way way more than what we need…
As our coach said, it’s probably a bit unrealistic to go for sites that are really big.
On top of that, even if we could find somebody to share it with, I am not sure that the project would actually be accepted. For the moment, from the drawing they made for the pre-feasibility study, it seems that the architects planned to use the whole site (the shape on cadgis is the same as the one in their drawing). And we would only be able to use part of the available space, which means that our building will probably have to be higher than the 2 stories planned at the moment, and that’s a much different project to have accepted by the commune (there’s one big building where the entrance to the plot is, but otherwise the houses around are 2stories+attic.
I wonder if we should discuss that with our architects… I’ve put a potential question about this in our new doc “potential questions for the architects” (internal link).


Indeed, I’ll send them a message about this.


Hi @reeflings

New message from architects:


voici ci-dessous le mail de Mme Fryns.
Rdv à reporter.
nous avons accepté le rdv de demain 11h00.
quelqu’un de the reef pourra être présent?
bonne journée

I can’t go

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On top of that, it’s not on Teams this time (but in Forest).

I don’t think anybody will manage to be present IRL, especially on such short notice. I propose we let it go then, I’m sure they’ll be just fine without us.

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Me neither…

Can’t go

Hey @reef-building, we have received the minutes from the meeting on the Kerbeek site. Not very promising, sadly :frowning:
@anon78992831 would you be able to write a little paragraph on that in your update (with a link to the document)? Thanks!
Might also be worth discussing at the plenary - @Mieke and @Lee