Festival, Workshops & Fellowship Tweets - English, French, Arabic

I have set up a shared spreadsheet with some of the tweets from Saturday’s Tweetstorm event as well as texts for flyers that need translating.

It would be great if we could translate these into French for our MENA & Brussels audience this week. @Yosser, @Sohayeb, @DeniseJabbour, @baderdean, @SyMorin - check the link and see what you can help with.

@hazem if you need a general place to put your updates in Arabic, you can include them here too

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Hi @Owen :slight_smile:

I’m on it !


Hi Guys!
So 2 things

  1. @hazem please coordinate with Owen to

A. Make sure people have read and understood what we expect of them by asking them to leave a comment here: https://edgeryders.eu/t/announcement-bursaries-for-travel-to-the-event/7161 and

B. Give Owen the email addresses of the bursary recipients and fellows to add to the countonme list - please check that they actually get the emails through sending them a test email from the tinyletter account.

C. Ask people to send us their Bio (update their bio on platform) and High resolution image for the program ASAP ideally within a day or so. Help them to start contributing in the OpenVillage Festival page.

  1. help on-board people on to our social media flow tasks (e.g. we need some help with translations and with updating the Arabic Edgeryders group)