Fiche Factory: talking sites

  • Does somebody remember why Vinçotte (SCH-02) was excluded by the architects? I can’t find it in the emails…
    Neither do i, strange. Just remember it was too small at the end.
  • For info, concerning the zone along the quai de l’industrie, the landlord confirmed that the commune wants them out eventually, probably within the next 3-4 years, but that they will stay as long as possible.
    Which site pleae ? Thanks

I did a second review of JET-15 who has a move forward ‘Y’, it’s for sale on so we have a price and contact details => can this one be added in the next mail to the architects (demand for PF)?


Seems ok for me.
I will propose to send it next week after we get the 2 FS back ?


And-29 and And-30.

Agree. I’ll create a list in our usual “communication with the architects” doc

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There are actually 2 other sites scouted online that are ready to be sent to the architects, so I added them to the list… Yay!


@reef-building : there are some “sreening”, “2nd screening” and “owners to contact” needed (see the tab “1. Overview” in the column “next action”; you will see there is also a ? highlighted in yellow for the corresponding cell in column “Who?”).
Can everybody check the table and take care of what they can? And can you put your name down in the column “who?” if you are taking care of something?

As said above, fried brain, so don’t hesitate to contact me on signal if things don"t make sense!


@Sophie_B : for AND-41: your name is mentioned as second reviewer in the scoring tab, but in the fiche, there is no trace of your second review (@anon78992831 : you filled in your name in the overview tab for a second review, but maybe wait for sophies answer)

@Sarah : i don’t know if i missed it, but can you tell me when to move a fiche from the ‘new fiches’ to the ‘discarded’ or ‘Sites still in’ folder? I thought it was after the 2nd review?


I must have checked it but indeed, I never add anything to the fiche if I agree with the first review - should I?


Hi all, and-41 and and-42 was on my to do list (contact owner) on the former excel. Something new with ?


changed status of AND-41 to ‘contact owner’ (instead of second review)


I don’t know, it cannot harm, doesn’t take much time and in case of contradictory info in the Sites overview excell, it’s easy to double check what happened, so i would do it

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Hi, @Caro MOL-20 belongs to Molenbeek Commune. I updated the fiche / folder / excel.


Hi @anon78992831 ! Good good, that’s what I believed too ! I reach their urbansim cell then, I heard they are motivated to push for ambitious projects :crossed_fingers:t3:
Also I analysed the historic of the site : it seems the Commune launched a “Mission d’auteur de projet” some years ago to renovate the ateliers, but in the budget they vote yearly well I read they didn’t have any allocated budget for that in 2022…
Might be a potential for us if they need to renovate it but din’t have the money for that !


I don’t think the commune will ever sell this site.


That’s great news! The one contact we had at urbanisme told us they weren’t big on cohousing project, and wouldn’t explain more… So good if you have other people to talk to and their feedback is more positive!

Isn’t it worth checking anyway?? As Caro say, you never know…



  • I changed the id of the UCC-02 Av. des Statutaires to UCC-04, as the numbering wasn’t correct. I think i changed it everywhere, but if i forgot to change it somewhere, please do so
  • I added the old and missing UCC-02 Av. Prince Orange to the ‘Sites overview excell’,
    @Sarah /@Sophie_B : you scored it. Sophie, you said that after feedback architects it was ‘out’, does this means it went to PF? (didn’t add anything to the PF tab for UCC-02 yest)
  • Did the same for the old and missing UCC-03
    @anon78992831 : do you know why it was rejected? (you scored it with Julien)
  • EVE-01 @Sophie_B : you contacted the notary and guess you have the best view on the status… In the overview tab , it has ‘move forward’ ‘N’, in the scoring tab, it has ‘move forward’ ‘M’.
  • AND-43 @Caro : i don’t know if you inscribed for a 2nd screening for this fiche or sth went wrong => if you want i can take it over, i have the impression you are taking up a lot of other things at the moment…
  • @Sarah : MOL-38: it’s in the overview tab, but not really filled in in the ‘scoring’ tab. Can you complete?
  • Did the same for the old and missing UCC-03
    @anon78992831 : do you know why it was rejected? (you scored it with Julien)
    No idea sorry
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I think it should be a “M” but currently on hold (public sale didn’t go through, commune of Evère needs to decide what to do with it. I should hear from the notary (lawyer?) if something happens.

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Thanks for asking @els :slight_smile: I was thinkingyou are maybe taking a lot of things haha…

AND-43 : 2nd screening done, but I wanted extra infos from Sarah to define if this is no go or maybe. In the end, the site was discarded anyway. OUT.

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There is already a cohousing project for this site, so I moved it straight away to Out; no need for scoring. I must have started scoring it and then stopped when I realised it wasn’t for sale…

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