Final steps -- was "Ready to sign"

Ok all,

thanks again for your careful reading and suggestions, I will take care of integrating these in the final document.

I’ve discussed with Marianne Fonteyne earlier today, and I now have a better understanding of the process.

– I will submit the GA documents (part A + part B) Friday at the latest. This is in no way the final contract document, it is meant as the starting point of the negociation with the EU. We could have done so even without having EHFF validated by REA, Marianne told me (she got confirmation yesterday). But, Hurray, EHFF is now validated!

– Consequently, you do not have to “sign” (Marco was right pointing at the fact that no LEAR was prompted to do so).

– As Olga mentioned (by email), you however do have to sign the “Declaration of honor” – please do so as soon as possible (althgough there’s time).

– I’ll let you know when the EU comes back to us about the contract. I’ll also give you a sign after I press the “Submit” button :slight_smile:

– Signature (PLSIGN) by LEAR will only take place after we’ve arrived at a consensus with EU about the contract.



Updated part A and part B

All modifications done on part A, part B has been updated.

It’s still time to have a last look at the documents – Alberto, let me know whether you are able to put your hands on part B.

Most of all I want you all to explicitly report that you have signed the declaration of honour by replying to this post.

Thanks all!