Finalise the Op3n Fellowship participant tasks and rewards :)

Hello everyone, what a pleasure it was to see everyone in one place during #lote5. What a great start!

The first step to enable our op3n collaboration is to agree on how we would like to offer a rewarding and meaningful experience for every participant.

So here are some things to discuss and finalise within the next week if possible. I will share them with you one at a time to keep information load manageable.

First up: Finalise the Project Process Description, Tasks and Rewards.

Can you let me know tasks do you need help with for your part of the project, when you need them completed by and what is your budget allocation for them? 

This would enable us to tie different tasks to the different phases of the program. It would also define the requirements and awards for the different fellowships to motivate people to contribute.

One example: Erik mentioned some field research work he and Tino need done quite soon which requires a specific methodology. Can you let us know what those tasks are, what kind of profile/background/competences people need to have to be able to complete them, what your evaluation criteria are and how much/what you are prepared to reward people for completing them?

Another example: Edgeryders should start the planning of LOTE6, Milestones and recruitment of people to help achieve them, very soon. Perhaps Noemi and myself could summarise them based on our experiences from organsing LOTE events for some time now?

So how about you? Can you/we get this done by the end of next week?

If you need help doing this, just come to the Op3nCare Weekly Community Call next tuesday at 16:30 and we can do it together!

Awards? Rewards?

Not sure I decode everything correctly.

We at UBx have budget allocated to bring more manpower on the software developing side, in link with WP5 tasks. I didn’t see this as a fellowship I would open to the Op3nCare community to help me find a suitable candidate. We have a job offer circulating, and I actually have someone that could join – although not now. In the meantime (before that soft dev person can join), I spotted talented interns that are planned to enter the dance in June. Until then, we – my colleague Bruno and I – will put in all necessary effort to keep things going.

UBx does not have budget to put in a collective pot so as to offer “fellowships” by Op3nCare. Budget is all bound to WP tasks in our case.

I am interested to hear how the different Op3nCare partners see things.

Example: the discussions re wikipedia data

Hi Guy,

so one example would be that you drew some input from members of the community towards the wikipedia discussion. I did not follow it, and I do not know whether it was at all useful towards your research efforts.

If it was useful, then it is important to acknowledge their contribution somehow. And how “big” that reward should be would depend on how big their contribution was.

These can fall into non-monetary or monetary rewards. Some examples (just brainstorming without having put a lot of thought into them):

A non-monetary "small "reward could be to offer one hour of your time helping them think about their own project. An intermediary reward could be to mention them/their contribution in a publication or blogpost with your reflections on questions relevant to your research work. A “big” reward could be using one of your tools to glean information or insights relevant to their understanding some topic or context, or even helping them assess/improve a grant application i.e. putting one of the people working for you on the project at their service for a couple of hours.

A monetary reward that you could offer is a travel grant in the form of covering the cost of their travel ticket to the event you posted on the platform or some another event relevant to the project which you would like input from, but cannot participate in.

If we put together a number of these “perks” together from the different partners, this starts to look like a nice package, that we can label a fellowship. This would serve as an engagement engine because they would provide incentive to engage with the project (i.e. participate in the activities needed in order for you to get the data you need).

Makes sense?


Could I also be granted access to the links you posted above?



PS: is it possible to change the University of Bordeaux link on the Op3ncare platform ? Here is the correct link :

Sure added you

Can you post the exact url of the page where you saw the incorrect link to the University of Bordeaux link?

Hi Nadia,

Thanks for letting me in :slight_smile:

Here is the link:


It does make sense …

… and I would more than happy to reward anyone helping us move in the right direction. You have guessed I was concerned about the use of our budget, I have to keep close with our institutional rules on spending money. My main concern is I do not have much freedom to spend money on people that are not “officially” on the project.

[Just to give a simple example, I cannot award prize money or even free USB pen to students who volunteer when we run controlled experiments – testing the efficiency of user interfaces …]

We’ll consider ideas and initiatives as they come towards us.

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Timeline for LOTE6 tasks - coming up

I will prepare a high level structure of event organisation & resources needed, and think about how it can be run to support both our engagement efforts and work of contributors/fellows.

See you on Tuesday!

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Fellowship Update:

The information currently publicly available about the fellowship program is still very vague as we were witing for input from the partners:

After a call yesterday with @markomanka followed by another call with Harri over at CERN Ideasquare, we have hammered out the details and will replace the public text. Coming later today, will post comment below with link.