First meeting with the sustainable building facilitator from Bruxelles Environnement

Hello @reef-building, @alberto and @richard,

As discussed in the Sustainability thread, I contacted Bruxelles Environnement based on Mark’s recommendation.

They are proposing possible time slots for a first meeting as per the poll below. I would propose we prioritise gaining time, and go for the first time slot in which a reasonable amount of people can make it?

Can you please fill in the poll so that we schedule that first meeting?

Also: I feel like I am just carrying out a task, so if there is someone who would like to take the lead, please let me know.

  • lundi 6/01 PM
  • jeudi 9/01 AM
  • jeudi 9/01 PM
  • lundi 13/01 PM
  • mardi 14/01 PM
  • mercredi 15/01 AM
  • mercredi 15/01 PM
  • I can’t make any of these time slots
0 voters

Is this online?

Wrong Richard!

Yes, it’s online.

Ping @RichardB

maybe 14/01 , 13/01 available as well, depending on what exact hour it would be in the afternoon…

@reef-building @alberto @Richard @Lee

L’ibge set the date to 15/01 AM 9:30.
I’ll put it in the agenda with the Teams meeting link.
Lee, i’ve accepted the meeting in name of

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Just to add: this meeting is just about setting up the collaboration, it’s not the real deal. Therefore I don’t think there is a need to send a big delegation.

Can you please let me know in the poll below whether you will be there or not?

Also: if you would join, I think it would be helpful if you could have a quick look at the pdf that she sent. See Guide Bâtiment Durable - Sustainable Building manual

  • Yes
  • Nope
0 voters

Ah, if it’s just to set up a collaboration, i am happy to pass. But i am free so i could join if needed.