I am Mousa Muntasir Mu’amar I’am a Youth Project officer, I am interested in the power of dialogue among youth.
I have coordinated the offline event of the Webinar “Power Pitch & Storytelling” in Jordan. It was conducted in Liwan Space with the presence of 11 participants.
Ages chart:
Gender balance chart :
The participants were enthusiastic and were engaging in the discussion with the Mentor, and the topic was so interesting and engaging.
Questions by the participants:
1 - Is the presentation hook an essential?
2- What is the importance of the audience study?
3- What is the best opening?
4- What is the best number for the pullet points in one presentation?
5- How to select best images to be used in our presentation?
6- What is my audience expecting from me?
7-How much time should I devote to the task overall