Free admission to Digital Rights Popup Forum


Edgeryders community members get to attend the Digital Rights Popup Forum at Internetdagarna, free of charge. The usual price is 50 EUR. If you want to attend, answer in this thread and I will PM you a coupon code that gives you 100% off when getting the ticket. It’s an all-day event that ends with a keynote from Steve Wozniak.

Speakers include Kate Darling (robotics researcher), Sandra Ordonez (former Director of Communications for the Wikimedia Foundation), Trinh Nguyen (IFF Head of Operations), Mehwish Ansari (Article 19), Nighat Dad (Digital Rights Foundation founder), Xeenarh (Executive Director of The Initiative for Equal Rights), Sarah Aoun (OTF chief technologist) and Htaike Htaike Aung (Executive Director of Myanmar ICT for Development Organization).

Digital Rights Popup Forum

An estimated billion users are coming online for the first time. Yet little is understood about this market, which faces acute privacy, security and access challenges that threaten their ability to equitably connect.

The Next Billion is a highly sought emerging market - an estimated billion users in historically technologically disadvantaged countries are coming online for the first time. Yet little is understood about this market, which faces acute privacy, security and access challenges that threaten their ability to equitably connect online.

This has negative impacts not just for human rights, but for industry and society at-large, and it prevents us from benefiting from the innovative and creative ideas coming from this market. Join us for the day and learn:

  • How you can improve diversity and inclusion in your team, to maximize the creativity, innovation and impact coming out of your organization.

  • How you can support Internet freedom and the digital rights of communities in the global south, so they can have access to the Internet free of censorship and surveillance.

  • From the expansive mesh network in Cuba, to the communications systems in rural Myanmar, find out how you can support and benefit from innovation coming from the Next Billion.

  • What changes to Internet infrastructure are needed to ensure the Next Billion has access to an Internet that fosters freedom of expression and supports democratic values.

  • How to get involved! Volunteer opportunities in the Internet Freedom and Freedom of Expression communities.