Full day plenary meeting on 12 October 2024

Hello @reeflings,

If everything will go according to plan, we will have a lot of topics to discuss. The idea would therefore be to organise a full day of plenary meetings. Items scheduled so far include everything related to the société simple (statutes and Board - now very urgent to pay the architects’ bill), probably something on the Oaktree units, and hopefully plenty of things on the plans. Adding a bit of play in between should definitely also be an option.

How to schedule it in more detail we’ll need to see closer to the date (some parts may be for FM only), but for now I’d just like to do a poll to see whether it would be possible for everybody to be present.

Can you please flag whether you can make yourself available on 12 October?

  • 10:30 - 12:30 : yes, I can be there
  • 10:30 - 12:30 : I really can’t be there
  • 14:00 - 17:30 : yes, I can be there
  • 14:00 - 17:30 : I really can’t be there
  • Dinner in a restaurant : if there’s one, I’ll probably join
0 voters

Hi, I already said it in another topic, but I really can’t commit the whole day. If the next weekend would be an option, I would be really grateful. But of course, if more people can attend the 12th than the 19th or 20th for example, I will not stand in the way.

Edit to ping @Lee

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Hi @mieke,

I’m imagining it must be really frustrating to miss out on an important meeting. I think this would be the case for most of us.

At the same time I am super concerned about accumulating delays. At this moment any further delay comes at the cost of not being able to give more news to people who are interested to join (and thus sharing the financial burden of the cost of the site), and in the future delays will come at the cost of transition mortgages running out of time.

I worry that there is almost always going to be at least one household who can’t make it for an important meeting, and I also worry that offering two dates (just adding a week) will in the long term lead to substantial delays.

Would it be ok for you if we look for strategies to include you as much as possible in the agenda points that we will be discussing? If need be, and to the extent possible, we could also look into moving one specific agenda point to another date.

Happy to get your views!

About your suggestion to include me as much as possible in the agenda points that we will be discussing on the 12th: I would really like to be present when we discuss the plans. I am available to attend the meeting in the morning. Thanks in advance.

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