Full members dinner 2024-03-06

Hello @reef-full , Lie, @TamaraFoubert and I will host the upcoming full members dinner and meeting. This is an important one, since we prepare the vote on JET-14.

A reminder of the schedule:

  • 18.30 arrival and greetings
  • 19.00 sharp potluck dinner
  • 20.00 we retreat in the office for the meeting

Can you please use this poll to let us know who is coming?

  • Yes, I will be there
  • No, cannot make it
0 voters

It would be nice to have some warm food to complement the potluck: let’s @Lee and @Dave_Starhawk and me coordinate on this.


Thx @alberto, @Lee & @TamaraFoubert for organising the diner!
Could the buddies (@ugne @anon78992831 @Aline_Jeandenans @manuelpueyo @els ) in the meantime reach out to their newlings to remind them about the deadline for associate membership? The deadline was last weekend so it would be good to know where they are at :slight_smile: …Thanks!


I can bring some curry. Do we know how many people?


Won’t be there as still in Lithuania but Manuel will attend.

That would be great! Keep an eye on the poll, as I write this only half of the full members have voted.

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Hello @reef-full,

Here’s a list of possible things we could put on the agenda:

  • Appreciation

  • Membership:

    • Associate: follow-up to the conclusions of last meeting
    • Exploring: consent to the applications from the Exploring Members
  • JET-14

    • Overall impressions, thoughts, preferences, lessons learned
    • Next steps, which could include a vote on the feasibility study as we received it (link will follow) and/or a decision to invest time and money in investigating whether we can get a permet for more square meters
  • Turning the Full Members meeting into a fully-fledged circle? (see first reflection: Full Members meeting: refining its aim and organisation?)

  • Selection process for the group’s Coordinator and their back-up. Amendments to the role description (internal link) are also possible.

Any other points can of course also be added. If we would turn the meeting into a fully-fledged circle, we could also select a Coordinator and develop a so-called backlog where we can gather possible agenda points, so that we get to an increased ownership of these meetings.

All feedback welcome!


We still need to hear from:

Can you let us know, so we can plan food better?

@Quentin is preparing a simulation on the effect of an expansion on the projected price. I think we should look at that in order to decide whether to take a “conditional” vote on JET-14 (see).

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I’ll be there, sorry, missed the poll somehow…

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Apologies- I will join, Maria negative

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Looks we will be 12.

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