Full Members dinner – 30 January

Hi all !

As I’m sure you’re aware, the next Full Members dinner is scheduled for Thursday evening next week (30 Jan), the day after the public presentation.

The venue this time will be Chris and Sarah’s place in St. Guidon. Doors open at 7pm, and it would be great if everyone can be on time to start dinner at 7.30pm, so that we don’t end up finishing up too late :slight_smile:

It’s a potluck dinner! So bring some food to share, ideally with the vegans and non-glutens in mind. If our flatmates Marta and Ramiar are around that evening, they will be joining us for the meal part.

I’ll add something to this thread about the plan for the meeting part after I’ve finished a related post on group dynamics, hopefully soon…

Be good to know who’s coming :

  • Yes, I’ll be there!
  • Sorry, can’t make it this time
0 voters



Hi Chris,

Thanks a lot for that.

Just a small request: we have a Reef-long tradition of starting the dinner itself at 7 pm sharp (it got lost a bit but it’s been like that for years), so that we can get to the talking bit by 8 pm. This way, there is enough time to have an in-depth discussion about whatever there is that needs to be said.

In my post on following-up to the emotional springcleaning (see My view on following-up to the emotional spring-cleaning: making more space for objections and honesty) I have made the point that we have way under-invested in making space for appreciation and feedback. For me the full members dinners are the place to do it, and I don’t think 1h30 is enough.

Hence my request: would it be possible to revert to the way things used to be, and start the dinner at 7 pm sharp, so that we can start the session at 8 pm?

As for making this message private: if there are minutes about a membership discussion, we can put this in a private message as before. Anything else however, in honour of our commitment to transparentcy, merits being on the forum.

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Hi @Lee,

I honestly didn’t remember that we used to eat at 7pm to be ready for a meeting at 8pm. And in general, it makes no difference to me personally, so happy to revert to a 7pm meal. But in this instance, I’ll have to check with Sarah first, as I will be teaching online until 7. So she will need to be available to let people in between 6.30 and 7…


I might have a busy afternoon, so for safety can we say doors open at 6.45pm? Would that work?


Yes, that would mean a lot to me.

I will bring soup


Hi @reef-full !

As you will have seen on the Signal chat, this dinner/meeting was turned into a social event in light of how many people couldn’t make it last week. Also, mentioned in the chat was the importance of not letting go of these events when they don’t manifest as planned, as they are an important opportunity for us to reflect on the previous period and connect with each other in a way that we don’t often have the chance to do any more during plenaries and team work due to the intensity of the project.

So in that light, here’s a poll for trying to catch it up in the near future:

  • Thursday 6 February (dinner)
  • Saturday 8 February (lunch)
  • Saturday 8 February (dinner)
  • Sunday 9 February (lunch)
  • Sunday 9 February (dinner)
  • Monday 10 February (dinner)
  • Sorry, can’t make any of those dates
0 voters

It’s short notice, and a particularly busy period for the Reef, but hopefully we can get enough people on board for one of those dates to make it worth while.

Also, Hannah’s response in the Signal thread made me aware that we didn’t explain these dinner/meetings properly to @Hannah, @Jeroen and @Odile when they became Full Members. So for the record, every 6 weeks we have a dinner or brunch, followed by a meeting. For the former, it’s generally potluck or takeaways, but occasionally someone feels inspired to cook. For the latter, there is usually some sort of appreciation round, followed by a discussion about Exploring and Associate Members, in terms of both their needs and ours. It has also become increasingly clear that we need regular space to discuss how well (or not) the group is communicating and functioning, which will be an important feature of these meetings moving forward…



Hi there, can I assume that we have dinner Sunday evening?

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Thanks for drawing my attention to this!

Not really. Seven people is no different to the other night when we turned the dinner/meeting into a social event. The hope was to get enough people together to do a meaningful session about where we’re, both as a group and in terms of the project. I’ll make a post on the Signal chat to see if there are any floating non-responders out there…

It’s confirmed for the evening of Sunday 9 February! Organisation taking place on the FM Signal chat, as it’s fairly last-minute… :slight_smile:


The minute for last night’s Full Members meeting can be found in the usual place: Login – Nextcloud :slight_smile: