Full Members meeting - 7 August 2023 (online)

Hi @reef-full !

We have a Full Members meeting scheduled for Monday evening on 7 August. For those of you who haven’t been to one of these yet, the current aim is to have them every 6 weeks, as a way of both checking in with each other and checking in with how the project is going, in particular with regard to onboarding new members. These meetings also double as GAs to decide on membership applications when they arrive.

The ideal is to have a dinner together, and rotate the organisation of this amongst everyone. However, as we’re spread a bit far and wide at this time of year, this meeting will be online.
@alberto - could you please add a Zoom link to the Nextcloud calendar event…

In terms of the agenda, I propose two items:

First, a couple of rounds on how we are doing as individuals, and how we perceive the project is going. This could also be an opportunity to focus on what we appreciate in one another, which is a criminally overlooked aspect of the sociocratic process :slight_smile:

Second, a couple of rounds regarding the current onboarding system, in general (with the upcoming public presentation in mind) and specifically concerning the current associate membership process.

Both these items are intentionally broad, so all ideas welcome if anyone wants to add or adjust anything…



Could someone please volunteer to facilitate the meeting this evening? Sarah and I will be joining via a mobile phone, so it won’t be practical for me to do it.

I thought that after the check-in, we do a round on how we’re doing individually with the project, and a round on how we think the project is going in general. These could be combined.

And then a round for each associate member household, to get ahead of any issues that need addressing or help that’s needed.

These are just preliminary ideas, and we could do it completely different, if anyone feels strongly about it…

Finally, it would be good to discuss the plan for the next meeting, while we’re all in one place…


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Here is the Zoom link: Launch Meeting - Zoom